Pre-carnival on Monday I ventured down to legendary radio station Rinse FM. The Heatwave crew ran up in the station armed with record boxes ( Serato loaded on MacBook) and took control of the breakfast show. Essential carnival warm-up tunes, carnival top ten and an interview with Jamaican group TOK's Bay-C (the dude with the deep voice). The latter is where I came in as the "dancehall expert" (their words not mine (but they're definitely true)). We spoke about T.O.K.'s (Touch of Klass) beginnings, appeal in their biggest market Japan, dancehall in Japan and Africa, importance of touring with declining record sales, why crossing over is not a priority, then similarities between UK and JA (chatting on sound system and crews). First time interviewing live on radio. Went alright still. Listen below. Furthermore, here are some TOK songs you will probably know: "Gal Yuh Ah Lead" (this would have charted well if it wasn't for external campaigns) ...
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