Wiley 'Party Pooper' What happens when you listen to too much Drake and Lil' Wayne? I dunno exactly but I'd guess something like this Tune bangs! Beat is a proper jam. If I were A&R of an r&b singer I'd get to hook up with this producer. Wiley should have sold this to an r&b singer. You should have fam. This is a proper jam R. Kelly > your granny's tea and toast on a winters evening Kells brought one of the best performances I've seen at an awards show in a minute. Channeled his inner Sam Cooke (not on levels with but you get my motion? No? Aight den...) on the Soul Train Awards. I've watched it through three times so far. Vocals, stage presence, songs, lyrics, dancers, co-operation from the band etc. Trey Songz who? Bruno Mars who? NeYo who? None of them can talk to Robert Kelly. #RandomThought he should use his full name to match with the mature route, dontcha think? 2111282126 Uploaded by yardie4lifever2 . - See video of the biggest web...
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