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Showing posts from August, 2011

Trace the sample: Willie Hutch special

I'm a music man that loves to find new music. One of the ways I do this is by tracing samples. Usually leads me to some soul or disco artist I wasn't to familiar with. Good way to get new old music. I love stuff with live instruments so this method usually brings results. If you like samples, you can check my other posts here . And yes, I said "Chase the Sample" instead of "trace" because I'm chasing them. Feening! Listening to the radio the other day (as I still do), they played a song that uses a samples I recognised from another song. Decided to Google it to find the original (as you do) and voila. Willie Hutch is the man. Haven't heard much of this guy, not familiar with his name, so thought I'd research him. He has been sampled a fair few times so I thought I'd do a post dedicated to him. The song that spawned this: Willie Hutch - "Brother's Gonna Work It Out" The closest I've seen to a vibrant danceflo...

FlashBack Friday: Cheesy Reggae Party

Hey guys and gals, I'm back with the fifth episode of the popular series FlashBack Friday (click for previous episodes) for the year like 2011. I love doing these posts as I get to relive a time when life was all about not doing homework, watching cartoons, asking mum and dad for toys and what I would be when I grew up. These are songs you'll probably be surprised I, a staunch reggae addict, listens to in my spare time. As mentioned many times previously, I don't care how many stripes you wanna take from me, I have enough stripes to donate to a Zebra in need. I love cheesy pop music. They used very soft electro sounds in the '80s and '90s which gave the instant impression of inoffensive cheesy pop, but when you listen behind the actual sounds they use, the chord progressions and arrangements are cool. Lyrics were light-hearted, but so what? p.s. I'm going through a phase of listening to '80s and '90s pop. For more reasons than one Let's beg...

miRecommend: Foster The People

p.s. I don't care if I'm late. I rarely listen to this music nor radio stations that play it. Came across this band on Spotify via Billboard Hot 100 singles. "Pumped Up Kicks" is in the top 20. Like the sound of it. I got a Gorrilaz or MGMT vibe from it. Vocals are processed in a similar way, bass sounds like them too. Don't crucify me if you're offended. I'm not comparing the two, just the vibe I got from it. I recognise "Pumped Up Kicks" from somewhere. Not sure if I've heard it on the radio or telly. "Foster the People is an American indie pop band formed in Los Angeles, California, in 2009. Members Mark Foster (vocals, keyboards, piano, synthesizers, guitar, programming, percussion), Mark Pontius (drums and extra percussion), and Cubbie Fink (bass and backing vocals) formed the band while in their mid-twenties. Mark Pontius used to play drums and shoot/edit the music videos for the indie pop band Malbec." - according to t...

Apologies for the missing in action

Currently away, but it's raining outside so thought I;d do something useful with my time. That something will be a bunch of YouTube videos I'm feeling right now. I'll probably forget some, but hey, that's life. Ed Sheeran - Small Bump This makes the third time I've posted this song. Radio rip from a Jo Whiley's radio show, on the barge with Rosie and Jim (not really with Rosie and Jim), now this from the iTunes festival. This really sounds like a stadium anthem. Yasmin - Light Up Yasmin links up with drum and bass legend Shy FX again for her 3rd single, "Light Up". I liked "On My Own", but this is a lot better. Shy goes back to a reggae-inspired sound. Everyone will class this as jungle, probably right for doing so, but it really exposes that the UK sound jungle isn't really that original. From what I know of jungle and d&B, this doesn't fit either category BPM-wise. It's more of a reggae/dub tempo with double-time drums. Noth...