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Showing posts from November, 2015

Why Justin Bieber's bashment song hitting no. 1 is bittersweet

So, if you follow me on Twitter, you'll know I've been fully hoping for Justin Bieber 'Sorry' to hit number 1 in the UK (it's number 1 song in the world on Spotify too). I was fully annoyed Adele released 'Hello' because it was a sure fire number 1. Well, four weeks into its release it finally reached the summit of UK's best selling singles - without an official video (the online dance video of girls from New Zealand doing dancehall moves doesn't count). Instead of the one week it'll get before Adele reclaims the spot this week, who knows how long it would've held the top for. This is the third time this year a mammoth song has kept a reggae or dancehall pop song off the top spot. R. City (' Locked Away ') were kept at number 2 the week Sam Smith released his boring Bond song, likewise Omi 'Cheerleader' was kept off for about four weeks due to Charlie Puth 'See You Again' featuring Wiz Khalifa (no typo) being a tribu...

What reggae's first Radio 1 playlist in ten years tells me about reggae. Big up Protoje

Once again, I'd like to say mainstream approval is not the be all and end all, however it provides a very important cog in getting my favourite artists the ears they deserve. If a reggae song has the quality and steam to go forward and benefit from the exposure a national radio station, the biggest radio station UK can give, why shouldn't it be taken advantage of? As long as they hold their rights, own their stuff and aren't manipulated out of shape by the industry, I'm all for it. Give them their dues. Why hold everyone in a corner? It ain't for everyone, but for those who can benefit and help shine a light, go bring that light, bruv. I'm much more against making good music have to jump loads and loads of obstacles because of dated thinking, lack of resources afforded to independents and lack of opportunities given to non-US/UK/EU/AUS music. Fix that. I'd also like to take a moment to say I gave Protoje his first mainstream mention in 2012  (alongside ...

What Lean On's Spotify record-break tells me about dancehall

So, it was announced that Major Lazer 'Lean On' broke the record for most played song in Spotify's history . Small feat in that it's only one platform, but massive feat in that its still the most played song ever on a huge platform. But what does this mean? Well, what I get from it is confirmation of something I've always known. A dancehall song  can rule the world.