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Showing posts from May, 2015

That time they try tell me about black British history… looooool

Disclaimer:  This post is inspired by a conversation . One  of the people quoted in this post is someone I believe is a symptom of, not the problem so please understand this isn't a personal attack - it's addressing a wider issue. They were quoted for context so readers could fully understand wah gwaan. Also, they are knowledgable in certain aspects of black American and black British culture.   If you don't feel like you fit the category, you probably don't.  Bless up. Before we proceed, I'd like to start this post by quoting BDL founder, Big Narstie. "Black man can't fool again, my lard." This is a history lesson outside of Black History Month *gasp*. That's about Black American history anyway, so you wouldn't get this kind of stuff anyway. Also, make sure you understand the disclaimer before you get worked up or start drawing your own conclusions. A tweet I posted sparked a reaction yesterday. So much so, a long conversation followed ...

Chronixx the bad guy? Reggae rates sell outs now?

Now let me set this off right, I've felt away about the reaction to this for a while but I didn't have the right words to say at the time. Now I've formulated all my thoughts, I present this post to you. I'm not late, I'm on Marvin's time. And there's no time like Marvin's time. So if you aren't familiar with the story, Chronixx posted this the day everybody got a boner 'cos Obama said "Greeting's massive. Wah gwaan, Jamaica?" The picture was deleted not long after. Loads of people got really upset by this. And I mean, REALLY UPSET . Like, ABSO LIVID, MATE! The young artists page was inundated with comments ranging from "How dare you call Obama a waste man" to "Your VISA should be revoked".  Woah, woah mate, slow down innit. Funniest comment was in response to said "revoke visa" comment, which said "Revoke yu madda…" Mi laugh so til. (Basically, Jamaican artists require a visa to perf...

Why Skepta is most important black British artist right now

Hear what, yeah, I said it. And I ain't taking back no talk. And I ain't a post-Kanye West and Drake co-sign Skepta fan. Nor am I a deeper grime fan so I'm not gonna go into bere specifics. Nor do I feel its necessary to go into grand detail. I'm just here to talk about the greater cause. Skepta has helped bring back what it means to be a black Londoner expressing him/herself through music and that good stuff. When it comes to lyrics, Ghetto does a madness nearly every time he touches microphone, but best MC for me is Skepta. — Three Finger Sparks (@MarvinSparks) November 14, 2013 He balances studio & performance bars. Skepta can bun a rave with nuff sing alongs and I can listen to a tune in my yard — Three Finger Sparks (@MarvinSparks) November 14, 2013 @FunkButcher Internet is borderless so "we're the same". This is why Skepta/BBK's moves are so important. They're like the last ones left. — Three Finger Sparks ...