Mz Bratt appears to have realised the old style wasn't working, so adopted a faux-Yardie style (Jamaican accent). When all else fails, record over a banging beat and spit Yardie? Beat knocks! Kinda reminds me of Donaeo's 'Riot Music', think it's the bass pattern. But anyway, Bratt sounds a bit of an amalgamation of MIA, Lady Dynamite (Miss Dynamite was the singer she turned into), and Stush. Maybe it's all a bit too easy for me to compare her with most of the other popular females who used the accent, but hey, it's true. Not only that, but I noticed a couple of inconsistencies with the patois. You may remember an earlier blog post - when I say earlier, I mean last year - where I broke down the eating vegetable song 'Are You Gonna Yam'... yes YAM *shakes head*. Jamaican's do not pronounce 'selecta' ' si -lec-ta', it's more 'SA-leck-ta', nor do they say "Reload fi dat". That doesn't actually make sense. ...
I'm not a blogger, I just blog a lot!