With just over a year of comedy experience, Kevin J has everyone talking about the new white comedian on the circuit after his recent feature as Hot Spot (new talent) on MTV Base’s “Kojo’s Comedy Funhouse”. The 21 year-old comedian credits his multi-cultural surroundings of Tottenham for the foundations of his jokes. The class clown who simply loved making people laugh has gone from being called an “attention-seeker now called a comedian.” Marvin Sparks caught up with Kevin J to discuss his begninngs and sharp rise to fame in comedy, being a white comedian on a black circuit, the Kojo effect ( click for interview with Kojo after you've read this interview ) and more. What is the difference between being the class clown and a comedian? Comedian is a craft. You don’t just go on the stage and do anything because you’ll get found out. I’m sure a lot of people have seen comedians who go on stage and you can see they haven’t planned it. They just think they are a funny guy just [tell] ...
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