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XFactor TweetView Finals Week 6

Didn't do it last week but the popular TweetView series is BACK! Forget what the judges say, be up with what the Tweople say.

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RT aka ReTweet = Repeating someone else's tweet for everyone of your own followers to see
@[insert name] = Twitter username.[name after @ sign] For example: @MarvinSparks =

Follow everyone who wrote tweets you like. If you'd like your tweet removed ask and I'll think about it

Last but not least

Disclaimer: Tweets do not reflect the opinions of us (me) here at Marvin Sparks dot Blog Spot dot com. We (I) found them funny/relevant

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
X Factor time!

@KojoTweets Kojo
#XFactor time! Let's get it in people!!!!

@naijaboymikey Mikey A Abegunde
Elton John week!!! Yesssss hunnays!!!

@Wretch32 Wretch 32
elton john week guess cher aint doing movado

@KojoTweets Kojo
#XFactor Best part of the show is seeing what Cheryl is wearing! #XFactor

@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
What is Cheryl wearing? Smh

Cherly wins in style tonight

@KojoTweets Kojo
Oi Oi she's done it again! Cheryl is the Soup to my Fufu #XFactor

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Danni looks fierce sha!


Intro clips are of the XFactor contstants meeting Daniel Radcliffe a.k.a. Harry Potter then going to the premiere

@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
Paije was an extra in a Harry Potter film? LMAO....

@alexkofitwinb AlexKofiTwinB
How can u be in a film and not be allowed to the film #SorryNotEnuffPopcorn

@KojoTweets Kojo
Paije up first! Bet he's happy it's Elton John week. #SlightAdvantge #XFactor

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Oh my! Paije's hair is paining me tonight!

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
I just don't see it with Paije, yet folk stay voting for him. Do you think him got the X Factor?

@KojoTweets Kojo
He's doing good! Go Paije!!!! #XFactor

@shach7 Meshach Broderick
Paije just shouts....

@NicholasMarston Abendigo
I really don't think Paige can sing, he just shouts #Xfactor

@LittleDonatella Donatella
His jackets become more offensive each week #Xfactor

@alexkofitwinb AlexKofiTwinB
Biggie meets Gaga

@KevinJComedian Kevin J
I wonder how many stamps this guy has on his Nandos card!

@deepermc Edilson Abilio
Louis: "Paije, you know I love you!"

@naijaboymikey Mikey A Abegunde
Oh lawd, Paije is really feeling herself tonight!!!

@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
Mmm hmmm mmm, you tell them girlfriend *click, click, click*

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
But really, who is Paije's target audience? He has yet to openly embrace the obvious (3 snaps), so who'll he cater to? #xfactor

@missjaylouise Janay Louise
RT @SirAgony: How you gonna put a pink blazer and a sparkling bow tie on the male version of 'precious' with a picky high top? smh. #Xfactor

@MikillPane Mikill Pane
How can I see RTs of a gay white boy saying Paige makes him wanna vote BNP? Prick, didn't you see what Nick Griffin said about you lot?

@MNEKtweets MNEK RT by @madnewsblog


@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
Sigh. As I sit watching the X Factor, I can't help but salivate at how much better the US version will be. No joke acts aka Wagner, Kate...


@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
Cher wrote this advert!

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Big up your chest!!!!! Yeo valley!!

@Wretch32 Wretch 32
i wanna go raving in yeo valley lol


@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
Aiden needs to leave this week. Dick

@KevinJComedian Kevin J
He'll do well.... He's got the gay understanding

@missjaylouise Janay Louise
Aidens so handsome/pretty.

@KojoTweets Kojo
Same shit again man! Smile man liven up. #XFactor

@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
Aiden smiled, the world is going to end!!!!!!!

@danwootton Dan Wootton
Perfect song choice for Aiden. #xfactor

@Christiana1987 Christiana Mbakwe
RT @mrdisfit You are standing on two pianos but singing out of key #irony

@deepermc Edilson Abilio
Aiden has Illuminati eyes

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Aiden's on... *Where's my bible at...* #xfactor

@LittleDonatella Donatella
I'm sorry but he just scares me *shudders* #Xfactor

@shach7 Meshach Broderick
I'm sorry but Aiden can't sing. The end.

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Wow this Aiden is singing off key a lot. He needs some yeo valley in his life. #xfactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
BORING!!!!! SAME SHIT EVERY WEEK, take your shit straining face elsewhere thanks Aiden #XFactor

@KevinJComedian Kevin J
See the way he holds he mic.... #YesHomo

He has got something but needs development. Stylist gave him an awful jacket too vocal wasn't great this week justsayin

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤

@zanelowe Zane Lowe RT by @mistajam
"Its not the best vocally you've sounded, know what...we have already decided you should stay so i think you're safe".

Simon Cowell to Aiden: "You have swagger"

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Simon saying 'swagger' just didn't feel... right, or was that just me?

Simon using words like swagger lol

@LittleDonatella Donatella
Simon, do not, I repeatN DO NOT ever, EVER, say the word "swagger" again pls, thanks.

Simon cowell used the word swagga on aiden hahaha! Its swag simon swag!

@mistajam mistajam
The slang usage of the word 'swagger' is now officially DEAD

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Hahaha I'm lovin' how folks are getting all possessive over the word "swagger" cos when Simon says it they get vexed! LOL! #xfactor

@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
You have no "swag" Aiden.. Stupid trout


@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
Don't cry Mary... Keep your chins up!

@KojoTweets Kojo
Mrs Wagner is on now! Let's go Mary. #XFactor

@NicholasMarston Abendigo
Mary is wearing black tonight AGAIN! Why not a yellow dress Mary? #Xfactor

@KevinJComedian Kevin J
I thought black made you look slim o_O

@LittleDonatella Donatella
This is your best outfit yet Mary, well done #Xfactor

@craiiggcraiigg Craiigg
This wannabe susan Boyle kmt get off my screen

@ChockzTheRapper Chockz
"Can you feel the love tonight?" No cos in a couple hours Haye and Harrison are gonna be taking off eachothers heads!! :D

@Christiana1987 Christiana Mbakwe
When @mrdisfit and I used to mime in the #xfactor choir they'd give us robes & we'd get a couple shots....times don changed.....HA!

@KojoTweets Kojo
Mary is Back in this bitch! #TeamMaryByrne #XFactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Mary how predictable of you. #XFactor

@deepermc Edilson Abilio
RT @JamieHowardHaha: Wanger is gonna be singing this to her later..... Looooool

Mary the Westend is callin well done much better this week lovely lady

@wendyquent Wendy Quent RT by @XianLoves
She should have sang Hakuna Matata #xfactor

@KojoTweets Kojo
Eeeesh Mary might be in bottom 2! #XFactor

Advert break

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤ RT @danilorum: If you're not talking about #XFactor you're ruining my timeline, please cease and desist until 9.30 #thatisall < HAHAHAA

@tahirah Tahirah
I reach the house and every1's vetoed X Factor for a doc on Nazi Germany. This is what happens when my dad gets the remote.

@tahirah Tahirah
I don't want history. I want fixed tv competitions and bad singing *huffs*

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
My goodness X Factor is some dryness tonight. I guess that's what happens when they get rid of most of the good acts. #xfactor

@mistajam mistajam
In the style of KatieWastegyal 'sod it' - I'm off to work. Radio 1 & 1Xtra from 11

@KojoTweets Kojo
Jimmy Hill is up next! "Sod it" #XFactor

Katie Wastegyal Waissel

@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
Katie's chin is really long....

@lilhannarnia Hana-Sekinah RT by @naijaboymikey
i want katie waste gyal to get out of this competition!

@ShaunicaBaby shaunica lynch RT by @BROWN_EYEZ_UK
Urgggg seeing katies face annoys me #xfactor

@KevinJComedian Kevin J
It shows you how GOOD Elton John is.....These people cant compare! smh

@reggieheavee Reggie Styles
Katie sounds like a drunk trying a ting at a karaoke bar!!! Oh dear! #xfactor

@Christiana1987 Christiana Mbakwe
Nothing like an Elton song to reveal how weak Katie's vocal is.Her pitching's about as good as a deaf dog's. #xfactor

@LittleDonatella Donatella
I literally watched that with a blank expression, did I miss something? #Xfactor

@KojoTweets Kojo
Louie is going in!!!!!! #XFactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA I think I love Louis this week #Xfactor what an anti-climax HAHAHAHHAAAAA

Simon to Louis "You're going to get removed from this room in a minute. You're talking complete and utter rubbish" "Shutup Louis" "Shutup Louis"

@IamMrSilk Mr Silk
Wow louie you been told!

@deepermc Edilson Abilio
Louis is a lengman he is lettin off shots all over the place

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Removed from the building you know hahahahhahahahaa #XFactor

@LittleDonatella Donatella
Ahahahahaha the way Simon hots Louis is the best. B B Boss #Xfactor

@newsychick1 Karen AKA Newsychick
I'm kinda agreeing with louis tonight (minus the Paije description). #xfactor oh & btw get lost Katie.

@KojoTweets Kojo
Simon is just showed Louie who's paying his rent! #BossStaus #XFactor

@AraTheCoach Ara
Just lost respect for Simon Cowell #xfactor

@KarlNova Karl Nova
What is Simon saying? You see why I said he has lost all credibility in this series? Katie is wack! #xfactor

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
X Factor is on some Sunset Beach flex....pure fantasy. Why is Simon gassing up Katie? #fix #xfactor

@alexkofitwinb AlexKofiTwinB
Hahaha Louis was gonna shout at Simon then he remembered #Mortgage

@Popjustice Popjustice
The moment Katie started banging on about sick kids a trapdoor should have opened. A TRAPDOOR STRAIGHT TO HELL

@NicholasMarston Abendigo
If I was in the crowd I would shout out "oi Katie suck your mum!!!!"#Xfactor lol

Matt Cardle

@naijaboymikey Mikey A Abegunde
Matt just looks dirty to me, sorry?!? He always looks like he's been crying or sniffing glue lol

(I know your profile is locked but that was funny)

@MakedaQoS Makeda Wilson
This is the first time I'd give Matt a thumbs up since his audition

Not the best choice of song Dannii but Matt is safe cause he can flppin song

I meant sing oops

@KarlNova Karl Nova
This is not a good song for Matt. He's did ok though.

@EmmaGemmaAmy Emma Stephens
What happened Matt? I don't fancy you anymore, white boy season is over

@shach7 Meshach Broderick
I used to have HUGE respect for Simon's opinion as a judge, especially on American Idol. Now he chats 100% BS.

@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
Lost all respect for Simon.


@alexkofitwinb AlexKofiTwinB
How bout a Stevie Wonder week?

@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
I thought Simon was engaged? That's all gone quiet

Cher Lloyd

@KojoTweets Kojo
Cher up next! raving tonight?.........erm.........Hows the family..........erm.....#XFactor

@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
Is Cher gonna be Chipmunk, Ironik or 2Pac tonight?

@Christiana1987 Christiana Mbakwe
Every week Cher looks more and more like Cheryl,just more robotic & frail. Terrifying.

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
Why in the name of Sweet Jesus do they keep painting Cher's face like that? KAI!!

@deepermc Edilson Abilio
She loooooks baaaaare like Cheryl Cole tonight!

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
RT @alexkofitwinb: Yeah could definitely see Cher in Lidl uniform. Spitting bars & stacking beans < hahaha

@Popjustice Popjustice
Speaking of sad situations getting more and more absurd, when's Wagner on?

@Jpizzledizzle Joseph Patterson
Cher is officially shite. She's no Jessie J is she.

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
LOL I wonder if she's gonna buss a 2Pac/Nas rap? #Xfactor

@LittleDonatella Donatella
I LOVE her outfit #Xfactor but rapping? On this? Really?

@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
Seriously the rapping has to stop

@alexkofitwinb AlexKofiTwinB
Sorry maybe hard Cher, but you need to Apologise for the rap bit

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
Silly raps aside, Cher's voice is decent. Problem is, she can't sing more than 3 notes. #norange #monotone #xfactor

@JameliaTweeties #Яebel
Cher Just Smashed It!! Simples.

@KevinJComedian Kevin J
I got more ass than her! Hahahahahahahaha


@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
Anyone else get feeling Louis won't be coming back next year. They are DRAGGING him week in, week out. Should be Cheryl instead though..


@KojoTweets Kojo
Next up is Wagner The gyal dem Saviour! #XFactor

@BangsandaBun Muireann C-Campbell
Daniel Radcliffe looks mesmerised by Wagner. #xfactor

@Wretch32 Wretch 32
harry poters looks shook of him

Go on Rupert Wagnar does look like a wizard

@LittleDonatella Donatella
Ok this is just annoying now #WagnerToGo

@MakedaQoS Makeda Wilson
Wagner is parring!! He sent a message "I'm still standing" WoW!!

@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
Hahahahahahahahha!!!! The Lion King...

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Oh my gosh Wagner is just awful. Like what is he doing in this competition? Haha! This cannot be real! Lol #xfactor


@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
This series of X Factor with the Wagner's, Katie's & co, really changed the way I look at the show. Instead of a talent-search, it's become

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
Saturday night camp TV ala Blind Date, Gladiators back in the day. Watched this way, it's 'aight'. Watched any other way = a joke.


Louis to Wanger: "Wagner reminds me of a young Elton John"


Dermott to Wagner: "How does that make you feel Wagner?"

Wagner: "Well it's good but Louis keeps getting my name wrong. It's Vaaagner"


Louie Preach. A young elton john?? Haha WAGNAAAR

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Ladies, do you love Wagners earnings? Like is that attractive to you? Do they make you horny? #xfactor

@Docta_Cosmic King ShutDown Cos RT by @MakedaQoS
i bet wagner and louis beat

Beat = have sexy time

@georgia_la Georgia L.A
#WagnerToWin for pure lols

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Sidenote: Did anyone else think Wagner looks like there was a crying man behind that fake smile? Poor Ting #Xfactor

@EmmaGemmaAmy Emma Stephens
Can't believe Elton let this happen, wow just wow. Maybe he needs the prs

Ad break

TMobile return of the mac. Fast forward to 0:47. This is someone filming them filming the advert

@missjaylouise Janay Louise
Mark Morrisons pockets must have got fatter from this t-mobile advert.

@Wretch32 Wretch 32
lol omg return of the mac.

One Direction

@KevinJComedian Kevin J
Here come the 5 Justin Biebers

@KojoTweets Kojo
Here go my favourties One Direction! #XFactor

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Hey it's one dimension! #xfactor


@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤

@madnewsblog Janice Miss Mad News
@xianloves you hot and sweaty yet

@LittleDonatella Donatella
MmMmm Zain *dribble* #Xfactor

@Christiana1987 Christiana Mbakwe
When does Zain Malik turn 18.....? No R Kelly. #xfactor

Tune great choice of song

@KojoTweets Kojo
This boys aint been shit once! They are winning this show hands down! #XFactor

@Popjustice Popjustice
That was amazing.

One Direction will win

@LethalBizzle Lethal Bizzle
One Direction is in a win win situation. Simon is signing them win or lose! #Boss

@Sway_Dcypha Sway
Simon loves his boys, quick to rise for his One irection.


Let Zain speak u will get more votes lol

@Popjustice Popjustice
All One Direction have to do is sort out the singing and it's job done. *snaps Kit Kat*


love one direction but someone who met them at Potter premiere said they all stank of BO even Zain knda hard 2 thnk of them da same way now

But maybe they had a busy day and didn't have tiime t shower forgive them this once lol

Rebecca Ferguson

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
Brookside's finest...Rebecca! #xfactor

Rebecca is about to shut this b**** down get your tissues out.

@Jpizzledizzle Joseph Patterson
My wifeee! #Rebecca #XFactor

@coldsteps coldsteps
Rebecca = DASH DOWN

@craiiggcraiigg Craiigg
Rebecca sorry...bareback status: applicable

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
RT @CS_Skoolboy: *Looks at Rebecca & starts singing "COME BREED ME" < I knew you had ovaries

@KojoTweets Kojo
Missing my @TreyCCohen Moments man! #SadFace #XFactor

@KevinJComedian Kevin J
Rebecca is good but we've already got Leona and Alexandra.....

@AraTheCoach Ara
Rebecca is soooo the complete package! #xfactor

@Jpizzledizzle Joseph Patterson
Urm, my wife has no boobies in that dress? Sack that stylist #Rebecca #XFactor

Omg such a sad song makes me think of the late Princess Diana

@KojoTweets Kojo
She's got an Alica Keys aura about her. Loving Rebecca man! #RealTalent #XFactor

@EmmaGemmaAmy Emma Stephens
Damn Rebecca can sing but I'm bored now, the voice is the same ever week

She nailed it and didn't over sing it love her


@Popjustice Popjustice
On reflection to really justify a rap Cher should have done Tinie Dancah

For other TweetView episodes click here

p.s. Can someone explain this?

And it's real, check this


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