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XFactor 2011: Live show episode 1 - TweeteReview

Weeeeeeeeee's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! X-Factor Live Show review in tweets better known as TweeteReview.

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Disclaimer: Tweets do not reflect the opinions of us (me) here at Marvin Sparks dot Blog Spot dot com. We (I) found them funny/relevant

Forget what the papers and judges say, here's what the tweople say!

@BrattOnline Mz.Bratt/Cleopatra
X Factor time I reckon.

@WendiWrites Wendi Bekoe
IT'S TIME..... TO FACE..... THURRR MUSAK!!! #XFactor

@danwootton Dan Wootton
And TWO-AND-A-HALF-HOURS worth tonight too! WOAH! #xfactor

@KarlNova Karl Nova
I hope the yeo valley advert is banging lol #xfactor

@yeovalley yeovalley
RT by @KarlNova
@KarlNova We hope you think it is, too. Not long now...

@AraTheCoach Ara

didnt get to see the dresses properly but T's looks sexy and classy and Kelly looks fun and sexy x

@3am 3am
RT by @ArchnaSawjani
Kelly Rowland looks like a fit Christmas tree... #xfactor

@EvadneyC Evadney
#XFactor live show. Not sure about Tulisa's hair!

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT @AngryBritain: I see Kelly has come as my local Chinese Takeaway #xfactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
No but why does Kelly Rowland look like Nicki Blancmange? #XFactor

Amilia Lilly

@OfficialKojo KOJO
Come on Amelia! Don't let me down babe! Kick some ass tonight! #XFactor

Bastard ITV have blocked all the videos the wankers

Click here for Amelia performing Billie Jean

wtf the hair?? mum i'm with you that colour is not good, bring back the blonde

@JNETTEKWAKYE Jeanette Kwakye
I can already Amelia Lily winning the whole thing.

nooo wrong choice of song ....

@LittleDonatella Donatella
Ouch! Shoot the stylist #Xfactor

@OfficialKojo KOJO
Amelia looks hot! She sounds sick too! #XFactor

@Cass_Denton Cass Denton
I hate this song for Amelia. #FFS #XFactor

@JNETTEKWAKYE Jeanette Kwakye

@madnewsblog Mad News
Amelia isn't just some "sixteen" year old who just auditioned and had no experience. This girl has be performing for years

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤

@MsQuiche Keysha Davis
So tired of alternative versions of Billie Jean *yawn*

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
RT @DarkBeige: that black guy looked like he was fellating the invisible man • OMG DEAD LOL

@ArchnaSawjani ArchnaSawjani
So that was AWFUL. Pls don't cover a Michael Jackson classic & butcher it! #xfactor

@OfficialKojo KOJO
Amelia smashed that MJ cover! She's the one to beat for me. She has it all! #XFactor

am i watchin somethin else???

@KarlNova Karl Nova
I really dont think the Bille Jean song version was the best choice #xfactor

@VanessaLaker Vanessa Laker
I didn't like Amelia's performance. I like her, but people rarely pull off MJ


Yeo Valley had the 'ardest advert on road last year

@Popjustice Popjustice
Even Yeo Valley has gone balladesque :( #newboring

@KevinJComedian Kevin J
S/o the Yeo Valley man dem!

Yeo Valley are at it again. Another good piss take advert! Woop woop. Hi 5! I bet they save up for the whole year 2 get this primetime slot

@KarlNova Karl Nova
BOOOOOOOOOOOO yeo valley are doing the boyband thing #xfactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NAH IM VEX! The Yeo Vally farmers have turned in to bountys lol. This ain't keepin it real

@hootiewholdn Hootie Who
Hey muller that ad sucked!

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Yeo Valley really on this X factor ad ting innit! Love it! Not as much as the rap one though!

Yeo Valley, what is going on lol

@JNETTEKWAKYE Jeanette Kwakye
Someone needs to explain to me where YEO VALLEY get the budget for THIS?!?!? I'm dying with laughter

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
Yeah, you all 'love' the Yeo-Valley ads, but do you actually buy the flippin' yoghurt cos if you don't then they're wasting their £ #xfactor

Johnny Robinson

@VanessaLaker Vanessa Laker
I love Johnny lol. I hope he isn't voted off

Johnny performs Cher's "Believe"

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
Lady GooGoo

@madnewsblog Mad News
Hahahhahahhahahha ridiculous Johnny #X-Factor

@naijaboymikey Mikey A Abegunde
I'M DEAD ...

@WendiWrites Wendi Bekoe
#This joke has gone far enough with Johnny... #XFactor

@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
Now we all know who featured on Akon's 'Lonely'

@danwootton Dan Wootton
Amazing song choice for Johnny! Such a shame we can't vote tonight. #xfactor

@KarlNova Karl Nova
oh my gosh what is this? hahhahahahha #xfactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤

tune camp but perfect go on Johnny you just entertained me ...sack the stylist though lol

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
I didn't think it was possible to hate Cher's Believe, more than I did prior to seeing this fool's 'performance' #xfactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
So is Johnny Vanilla Ice??? Did you see the skanks? #XFactor

@Popjustice Popjustice
"He loves the Pet Shop Boys" is the new "he manages Boyzone" in the euphemism stakes #xfactor

@mrplay MR PLAY
That johnny is as bent as a £4 note mate. #Xfactor

@CherelleNatalie C. N. Thompson
He sounds like Alvin and the Chipmunks #XFactor

ANOTHER advert

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Are we in America? No wonder #XFactor finishes at 10PM with all these blasted adverts!!!

song-comment-ad-song-comment-ad-song comment-ad...are u fricking kidding me? Just get on with the damn show #x-factor


@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Completely shave one side off and you get kicked off the show tomorrow? What kinda ediat business? #XFactor

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
imagine that girl shaved half her hair off and goes home 2moro (highly likely) she'd be pissed #XFactor

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio
Tulisa got em singing Nicki Minaj. Am I the only one who saw this coming? #xfactor

@Popjustice Popjustice
If this lot aren't doing 'Roman's Revenge' I'm going to be furious #xfactor

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx

performing Nicki Minaj - "Superbasss"

@Henryx85 Henry Yanney
Rhythmix are out!

@6inchstilettos Amrita
RT by @VexintheCity
I knew it!!!! Go on then.. Murder 'Superbass' #thexfactor

the girl with the long blonde hair is scaring me lol

@madnewsblog Mad News
This rapping has to stop! #X-Factor

@KarlNova Karl Nova
no no no, why are they rapping? #xfactor

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio
As soon as ANYONE raps on #xfactor I switch channel or mute

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Don't like this already!

@MervinMartin Mervin Martin
please stop nowwwww pleaseeee #xfactor

@danwootton Dan Wootton
I just love Tulisa as a mentor. She was into that routine big time. Completely hands on. #xfactor

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT @faithjegede: Seriously...we have Cher Lloyd to blame for this. #xfactor

@siobhanbell_ Siobhan Bell
This is cringe #xfactor

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
Look at this rats ruining my fave part!! KMT!! #xfactor

@MervinMartin Mervin Martin
what performance was the judges watching #xfactor


@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
I just wanna flush Frankie down the toilet to be fair #XFactor

RT @naijaboymikey: The singing STD ...

Frankie Cocozza performs Ed Sheeran "The A-Team"

@LoukiaC Loukia
Frankie Coconut's performance only highlighted what a don Ed Sheeran is really.

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio
Ed Sheeran will trend in 10 mins

@WendiWrites Wendi Bekoe
Are white guys really still doing their hair like Frankie's?

@Popjustice Popjustice
Frankie Cocozza is the worst human being in the United Kingdom. #xfactor

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Like this song but this performance is boring as hell Frankie!

This performance is making me want to turn over to Strictly Come Dancing!

best so far FACT say something?? still waiting to be wowed though

@mrplay MR PLAY
RT @JamieHowardHaha: 'Lock up your Daughters, its Aggro Santos..... I Mean Frankie!!' «« Looooooooool.

@BrattOnline Mz.Bratt/Cleopatra
Sorry but i defo prefer Ed singing that song lol

Sophie Habibis

Kelly: She is doing one of the biggest UK artists at the moment

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio
so she is covering Jessie #xfactor

@madnewsblog Mad News
Oh let me guess she's going to sing an Adele track #X-Factor

Sophie Habibis performs Katy Perry "Teenage Dream"

@madnewsblog Mad News
Who sings this?

@madnewsblog Mad News
Oh Katy Perry

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Since when wad Katy Perry British Kelly?????#confusedface

i like her

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
Sophie is good. I hope she doesn't flop #XFactor

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
How old is Sophie? How the hell do you end up doin a 9-5 in a pub at that age? Didn't you listen to ANYTHING at school? *confused* #xfactor

@jammerbbk Jammer
Yes something good after 30mins thank god of this bird lol

@CherelleNatalie C. N. Thompson
Sophie looks nice. Good job. #XFactorUK

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Not feeling the 99p wig though #XFactor

@Popjustice Popjustice
SOPHIE HABIBIS is the best Voiceover Man name since RACHEL ADEDEJI #xfactor

This is the second contestant that has sung a Katy Perry song better than Katy Perry. What could this mean, hmmm!

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Sophie! I tell you Kelly has got really good contestants! #xfactor

@MannyNorte Manny Norte
Sophie's eyes GET me. Even the way she's sittin on that piano! CRAZY!! #XFactor

@jammerbbk Jammer
Who would lips her RT THIS

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio
Lol only an aff would say "she'd catch some plantain"

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Love Sophie's tone. #Xfactor

@Henryx85 Henry Yanney
Didn't Kelly say she was singing something from a UK act?

@danilorum Dani
by Caligraphist
Does Kelly know that Katy Perry aint from Britain? #XFactor

Kelly katy is American oops

@WendiWrites Wendi Bekoe
Isn't this a Katy Perry song?? Biggest UK artist? Erm....

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
LOVE Teenage Dreams, but don't like it sung slowly. Nice makeover though #xfactor

Jonjo Kerr

Jonjo Kerr sings The Kinks "You Really Got Me"

@Popjustice Popjustice
The Fabulous Kinks were a bit like the normal Kinks, except they liked the Pet Shop Boys #xfactor

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio
Why must Louis Walsh camp up every one of his acts? (Rhetorical) #xfactor

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
nah the soldier is wack #XFactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
LOOOOOOOOL A MAN's name is JONJO KERR!!! @MsBleachBlonde ah yuh cousin dat!!! Hahahahahahahahaahaha

@Popjustice Popjustice
This is like something from Pop Idol Series 2. AWFUL. #xfactor

@hyperfrank Laura Brosnan
Karaoke special

@danwootton Dan Wootton
JonJo Kerr's got a good name. That's about it. This is beyond NAFF! Ugh. #xfactor

@CherelleNatalie C. N. Thompson
His vibe is dead, maybe the nerves but you need personality for this song. #XFactorUK

@seanibremix Seani B
Now this guy sounds shit!

@LoukiaC Loukia
Taxi for Jonjo. Llow it bruv. #XFactor

Look at Louis quick to not take the blame lol

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Louis is the worst mentor, with the worst group, I mean send them ALL home #xfactor

Go on louis NOT MY IDEA lol move away from the problem

@hyperfrank Laura Brosnan
The way louis is putting all the blame on his act hahaha myth

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Rah. Louis just through dude under the bus. #Xfactor

@KarlNova Karl Nova
in fact Louis Walsh should send HIMSELF home #xfactor

@Popjustice Popjustice
Still, at least he's come dressed as my favourite Quality Street. #xfactor

I'm rating the ads more ...let's pick out final 4 lol

You think Simon Cheryl and Danni are watching something laughing

2 Shoes

@Popjustice Popjustice
HERE WE GO #xfactor

Eseex Girls I hear they are good

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Essex in the city #xfactor

They remind me of the chicks that work at MAC

@Henryx85 Henry Yanney
That girl group "88" are performing next ;)

@Popjustice Popjustice

2 Shoes perform Girls Aloud "Something Kinda Oooh"

@studiopixie studiopixie
WOWSERS! LMAO! RT @XianLoves: RT @PsykoUk: They must tan with Ronseal or something, good grief....looking like my garden fence. #XFactor

@Popjustice Popjustice
THIS IS sort of AMAZING #xfactor

second fav act so fare..they should do raining men one week and I'm every woman

@jammerbbk Jammer
People need to stop doing swag pop songs on x factor it's not a good look!! Do heart felt music pls thank you

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Whats all this camp shit? Love the dresses though! In my size

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio
surprise surprise, Louis Walsh skanking away to this

@Popjustice Popjustice
The Louis gay jibe, the Romford dig, the Frankie-being-a-lad stuff: Gary's disappointing me tonight #xfactor

@danwootton Dan Wootton
Cheryl would have loved this, I reckon. #2Shoes #xfactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
RT @Caligraphist: Ones preggo - whats the other one's excuse? #Xfactor < NO BUT STOP lol

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤

@KarlNova Karl Nova
errrrrrrrr they were kinda very flat in places though and off key but errrr yeah #xfactor

@CherelleNatalie C. N. Thompson
Her lipstick is smudged. I'm cringing. #XFactorUK

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
Omg I can't watch the lips are a carcrash

@KarlNova Karl Nova
one of the shoes girl's lipstick has smeared lipstick like Heath Ledger's joker #xfactor

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio
her lipstick all over the place like she jus gave blowies

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
nah the dark haired one looks like that puppet with big lips!! Someone get the pic, I think its from the muppets or something!!!! #Xfactor

@sSaRpOnG Sabrina-Anne Sarpong
Lol lol RT @TheThirst: RT @TherealNihal: did they put her lispstick on with a broom! #xfactor LOL

@sonenimusic Soneni Nkomo

@MrAmaru Amaru Wilcox
RT @VexintheCity: Goodness X-Factor's really shit so far this year #xfactor

James Michael

James talks some sad stuff in the intro VT

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
Oi #xfactor no with the tugging on the heart strings

@EvadneyC Evadney
OK the sob story has started. #Xfactor

@madnewsblog Mad News
Oh James I'm sorry I'm not interested in you over exaggerated sob story. Shut it #X-Factor

@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
We lasted an hour without a sob story.... We did quite well

@madnewsblog Mad News
Watch them save James because his family keep getting chucked out of rented accommodation. #X-Factor

@Lee_Soulcial Le Anna
by _Swaggerville
He's mum needs to maybe stop breeding..theres a thought!

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Yea... I'm gonna go file my tax returns. This dude is arid. #Xfactor

James Michael performs The Beatles "Ticket To Ride"

Beatles???? wrong choice again

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
James looks like a young old Dr Who tonight #XFactor

@LuciousTV ᵀᴴᴱ ᴼᴿᴵᴳᴵᴻᴬᴸ Lucious
by _Swaggerville
first it was Sheila's Wheels now we have Oliver Twist or some shit #XFactor

@Popjustice Popjustice
Barlow's totally lost it now. "Real instrument"? Fame Academy is that way pal >>>>>>>>>>

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT @naijaboymikey: Cute cute but voice is weaker than diet shandy ... < Lol

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
If T could just stop saying "Blew me away" that would be fab.

Ad break

@JulieIwheta Julie Iwheta
Break again....itv1 ur badmind....thief ah thief looool

@KarlNova Karl Nova
have any of you noticed how you can IMMEDIATELY download the song they just performed? hmmm that is acting like voting! #xfactor

Wow a lot of acts left to perform!! #xfactor is dragging badly. Not a good look!

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
RT @THISISMAXONLINE: This has to get better or next week I'm out lol < These lies LOL

so far I only really remember Sophie for Talent Johnny for his Mac and the 2 essex girls because of the lippy.... hummm

@AraTheCoach Ara
this muller advert was better then #xFactor!

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Why they going so hard to sell us these milk products though? #Xfactor #AdBreak

Misha B
Kelly: This girl is covering a big UK artist

@danwootton Dan Wootton
So I'm assuming Kelly read the wrong intro for Sophie earlier? Because she said UK artist and then Sophie performed Katy Perry! #xfactor

@WendiWrites Wendi Bekoe
RT @ebunola1: LOL @ Kelly. Which 'UK' artist again? Lady Gaga or sommat? Lol

@KarlNova Karl Nova
oh no SOME MORE RAPPING? #xfactor

Misha performs Adele "Rolling In The Deep"

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
<3 Mishas outfits so far

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Misha Kinda looks like Adelaide Mckenzie

@EvadneyC Evadney
What the hell is going on with Misha's hair. What's with the enormous quiff?

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
DbhjsakGFHSJKAGFHSJKDFHGajkfghsajk noooooo how can she a bouffant like Marge as well!!!! EFF YOUUUUUUUU @MsBleachBlonde haahskashahaajha

Go on rudegirl Rolling In The Deep Adele

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
Predictable ..Adele. But I can tell she's gonna smash it #xfactor

finally some real talent

@punchbowlblog PunchBowlBlog
Misha B... finally a star!!

@jammerbbk Jammer
This girl is a bad gal feel the bad gal bass lol

@danwootton Dan Wootton
I'm sorry, but I'm not getting the styling. In any way. #xfactor

@LoukiaC Loukia
Misha B if you do The Heatwave Refix you will be a don mate. #XFactor

@janay_louise Janay Louise
This frickyfricky remix ting needs to DIE!

@ShadrackMandem Shadrack & Abendigo
Just keep to the singing!!!!!!!! #XFactor

@AraTheCoach Ara
aww mannn... she was great... then rapped! #xFactor

This girl has it! Damn in!!!! Mishhaaaaa go girl! I would pay for thiS. UK nicki Manji. She doesn't need to rap...Everytime tho. Just a note

@MakedaQoS Makeda 'QoS' Wilson
Misha is blatantly Kelly's favourite but I'm not feeling the bars sorry #DropMeOut #XFactor

@hootiewholdn Hootie Who
oh sweet lord minaj what have you done to talent shows......

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
I didn't like the Nicki Minaj movements though. BE YOURSELF #XFactor

very Nicki Minaj styling but it works

@DeliciousDavina Davina
Mica smashed it. She Minajed it out too and it worked.

@KarlNova Karl Nova
you know what I have noticed? that weird dressing thing is in now thanks to Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj #xfactor

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Misha first artist that has bought anything unique and credible tonight, that has made me sit up and take note all evening! Gwan Mish!

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
This mica girl is gooooooooooooood


@Stoosh69 Olivine Raaaaaaaay
Nu Vibe *dashes panty at tv*

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
I fooking hate boy bands khuntz

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
Nu Vibe. As if that's even a good name.

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
These feckin PLEBS!!! I can't tek that licky licky green eyed BWOI!! #XFactor

@WendiWrites Wendi Bekoe
RT @BaseNRebulz: After misha....xfactor is done for saturday!

chris brown beautiful people

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
They're doing my tune. Don't ruin it you fassies

Nu-Vibe perform Chris Brown "Beutiful People"

@jammerbbk Jammer
Kick them down now pls

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
I bet the chorus sounds SHITE #XFactor

@LoukiaC Loukia
NU VIBE? I'd rather get a new vibe than have sex with any of these slimy guys. I bet they use Lynx Africa. #XFactor

@danwootton Dan Wootton
A little worried Nu Vibe are clearly at each others' throats this early on. #xfactor

@jammerbbk Jammer
This chris brown tune I love it but there gonna make me hate it I swear down

@LethalBizzle Black Jackie Chan
I'm sorry but the groups performances have been appalling! Kelly gonna win this year #Easy #Xfactor

@Iamdjb Barry Burt
Wow, this is really bad.

@studiopixie studiopixie
Alreeeeeeeeeeeeeet I think it is safe to make my cuppa tea! This is an abomination! #XFactor

@LittleDonatella Donatella
Hold tight their dance moves and is that leather trousers I spy, ewwww #Xfactor

@itsYasmin Yasmin
No Vibe #XFactor

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Ok. Bag of man on stage and 2 harmonies between them. Safe. #Xfactor

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
Did these khuntz just flash their abs?

@PhreshMentality Ambi Pur ☥
That lift of the shirt was NOT necessary kmt #Xfactor

@naijaboymikey Mikey A Abegunde
Yesssss to that end bit ...

@janay_louise Janay Louise
Cheeky chappies ay Louis. Nasty

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Louis is involved. Of course. #Xfactor

@madnewsblog Mad News
I thought they would be worse... #X-Factor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Gary is right though, individually they may be able to sing, but together NAH #Xfactor

Can some of these bands watch bands of the past to understand how harmonies are suppose to work. Jodeci, Jagged Edge, Boy II Men, 112

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
I can't TEK ASHFORD KMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #Xfactor

@MsQuiche Keysha Davis
Hahaha, nonsense "@madnewsblog: Tulisa you are chatting fart! Next generation of boy band? Piss off #X-Factor"

Next Generation of Boy Band, did she say that out loud and with a straight face??? Kelly, destroy her!!!

@jammerbbk Jammer
This ain't the Tula I know she would of told the swag people there swag a year ago man what's going on Tula pls tell them there shit babe

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
Omg she said it again "They're gonna blow people out the water"

@madnewsblog Mad News
Bare foolishness coming out of Tulisa's mouth tonight. #X-Factor

Gary on fire. Louis stop talking, Tulisa can handle herself even tho she is gassing! Kelly REAL talk!

@ShadrackMandem Shadrack & Abendigo
FUCK ALL the judges #XFactor

How long do you think it will be until someone labels Kelly "agressive" over passionate? Yep I'm asking early. I know how media work!

Marcus Collins

I'm not being rude, but had porn gate not happened Lascel would have got in over this dude! Lascel man why?

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
MY TUUUUUUUUUUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!! #Xfactor

Marcus performs Maroon 5 "Moves Like Jagger"

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Nah Marcus you're gonna wreck my tune innit fam!!!!!! #XFactor

@KarlNova Karl Nova
this guy can sing. #xfactor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Wha gwarn for Marcus' deadout 2-step skankin? Is ya batty hole too tight? #XFactor

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
They have taken the piss out of Marcus. Why give him this song kmt mockery.

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
Why they give this guy female backing dancers? Are they mocking him?

@janay_louise Janay Louise
Poor ting must be flinching inside with all these girls

by sonenimusic
Marcus looked scared when the girl got too near yana #XFactor

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
He's a good singer. I think there'll be a lot of disappointed teenage girls though... #xfactor

siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
Marcus you are BEAUTIFUL.

@Nyofficial Nyofficial
Marcus looks hot! Love the song vocals on point effortless mwah #xfactor

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT @WendiWrites: RT @ItsPurpleHill: RT @Nadiva99: RT @SoCharLite: RT @Diggydash: Is Marcus gay? X Factor > Is Lil' Wayne ugly?- pahaha.

@Popjustice Popjustice
That is not an X Factor winner's moustache, Marcus. #xfactor

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
But not really feeling this performance! hope he stays after this!

Fat bird

@hyperfrank Laura Brosnan
Oh yeah isn't she only in because Goldie dropped out MYTH

@WendiWrites Wendi Bekoe
She should go on Who Do You Think You Are & see if she's related to Sonia from eastenders..

@LoukiaC Loukia
Sami looks like a big toe with minx nail varnish on aka her jacket. #XFactor

Sami Brookes performs Ultra Nate "Free"

@reggieheavee Reggie Styles
Sammi Brookes...yeah man...that's how u sing blodclot toon!

@madnewsblog Mad News
Classic dance anthem. I loved this song. #X-Factor

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio
Louis making good singer perform disco anthems. This guy...

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
Is it Ibiza week this week on #xfactor ?

Sing it girl.... if Simon was here you know what he would say you sound like a cabarat singer who should be on a cruise like jane mcdonald

Big Tune. Come on Sammy! Cant believe Louis picked Goldie over her. Stupid man!

@LoukiaC Loukia
It's quite common in English people though really. Big toe syndrome. No offence.

i'm going to make a cup of tea..... X Factor you have let me down i normally am glued..i'm even taking calls

@LethalBizzle Black Jackie Chan

@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
She can perform in every Butlins iin the country.... Then announce all the bingo numbers!

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
RT @danilorum: □ Michelle McManus. I thought she went home. #XFactor

@DeliciousDavina Davina
I love this fat chick #Xfactor

@Popjustice Popjustice

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
I liked this performance until the fireworks where it got a bit too...Disco Divaish #XFactor

@MannyNorte Manny Norte
Oi Fellas!!!! For 10 Grand, would you beat???!! #Xfactor

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
Fellas do you reckon you could take her in a fight?

@naijaboymikey Mikey A Abegunde
Just so you know, Sammy is NOT crying ... that's just perspiration from the 10 layers of foundation ...

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Why they got her looking like some quarterback though? Those shoulders ain't no joke! #Xfactor

@WendiWrites Wendi Bekoe
In all seriousness - Louis Walsh should be axed for next year's show. Why is he hyping her up when he originally didn't choose her? Fool.

@MsQuiche Keysha Davis
Hahahaha, I knew Gary would put Louis on blast. Good.

@BangsandaBun Muireann C-Campbell
How old is that chick? 'Cause that makeup & that outfit are saying mid-40s to me. #xfactor

The Risk

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Oh lard Beggy Beggy Derry & The Risk #XFactor

(Click here to see Derry's tweets begging famous people to follow him)

@madnewsblog Mad News
Oh The Risk.. I wonder if they will force the black one to rap again hahahha #X-Factor

Tulisa honey, your entire category is a risk. Can you say "I got bumped!"

@Popjustice Popjustice
Remember viewers t were the BEST members from the other bands #xfactor

I will lose all respect if Derry raps! Seems inevitable now with this strack. Sigh inadvance

The Risk perform Plan B "She Said"

@madnewsblog Mad News
The Risk all want to be solo acts. I can see it in their eyes. #X-Factor

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
The Risk sound the best collectively out of all the groups tonight #XFactor

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
They are singing this better then Plan B you know #XFactor

@naijaboymikey Mikey A Abegunde
They're sounding gooood ... They way the one on the far right could serenade me

@JusticeMBE Justice Williams MBE
Now The Risk got it together

@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
I like them!!

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
RT @danilorum: If Derry raps, I will kill myself with my phone. #XFactor < Your time LOL R.I.P

Told you!!!!! Why? Let's open our minds I beg u!

@madnewsblog Mad News
Hahahahahha I knew it. Former gang member from Croydon forced to rap. #X-Factor

@JusticeMBE Justice Williams MBE
Rapping in this show is like have bloody tomato ketchup with everything smh #XFactor

@MsQuiche Keysha Davis
This is the best Tulisa has to work with, I like em

@KarlNova Karl Nova
The Risk are the best group so far! #xfactor

@Iamdjb Barry Burt
The risk are good

Craig Colton

Craig. Love him!

Craig Colton performs Christina Perri "Jar of Hearts"

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
This farkin HOG! #XFactor

@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
He worked in a biscuit factory...... He def took his work home with him!

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
This dude looks like Peter Griffin as a teenager. #Xfactor

@LoukiaC Loukia
The par is that this guy probably gets more men than me. #XFactor

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
This guy deffo sat with the girls in the playground eating Dairylea and fruit practicing Spice Girls routines

@KarlNova Karl Nova
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzzz #xfactor

@LittleDonatella Donatella
*yawn* at bigfaceboy

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
Glad its not just me RT @DeezDecrees: Ah Craig allow the facial expressions #Xfactor

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
He felt that. Jar of Hearts. Jar of Biscuits. #Xfactor

@Popjustice Popjustice
"not just the funnyman" JUST SAY FAT TULISA JUST SAY IT #xfactor

@AraTheCoach Ara
Craig was the best so far tonight imo! I dont think they shud be making him go on a diet tho! sheeeeeet! #xFactor

Kitty Brucknell

@sonenimusic Soneni Nkomo
"@Jpizzledizzle: Kitty scares me, still." My mum just said "this one is a witch i can tell" hahahaaha

@madnewsblog Mad News
Kitty is so annoying..

@cleosol CleoSol
Kitty da bitty

@JamieHowardHaha Jamie Howard
I really want to drown this Kitty!!

@LoukiaC Loukia
RT @siananderson: I hate Kitty more than anything, ever.

Kitty performs Queen "Who Wants To Live Forever"

@sSaRpOnG Sabrina-Anne Sarpong
Kitty looks like she needs to go back to her mental home and she sounds shit!

@Popjustice Popjustice
If this racket's due to go on much longer I'm fine stopping living now thanks Kitty #xfactor

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Kitty's about to murk someone. I swear. #Xfactor

Bad song choice. Dress sense doesn't suit. Out of tune. Eyes look heavy but she looks scary! Kitty kitty kitty less is more hunny!

Freddy Mercury is turning, rolling and somersaulting in his grave right now #xfactor

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
You could imagine Kitty doing the exact same performance within 4 padded walls #XFactor

@danwootton Dan Wootton
AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL! Kitty didn't put it down in any way. #xfactor

@MannyNorte Manny Norte
Kitty looks like some possesed FREAK! Whips, chains, knives, Handcuffs and guns ALL in her house, TRUST! #XFactor

@robbiereviews Robbie Collin
by VexintheCity
Kitty: "Criticism makes me a better performer." Get on Twitter love, you'll be the next Whitney Houston. #xfactor

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
Did that have a beginning a middle and an end?

@hyperfrank Laura Brosnan
She's not controversial she's just desperate

@EvadneyC Evadney
RT @canchristian I would very much like Freddie Mercury to rise from the dead and thump Kitty with a mic. #xfactor > rlmho

@VexInTheCityUK Miss Vexy
Everyone just looks disturbed & how to react to her that's because Kitty just tried to steal your soul #XFactor

@LethalBizzle Black Jackie Chan
Kitty looks like Robbie Savage #Xfactor

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT @MNEKtweets: Kitty's forehead is TALKING THE HARDEST. #XFACTOR


@ChockzMusic Chockz
They gave her Katy B hair.

@AraTheCoach Ara
RT @MannyNorte: ....And here comes the winner....#Xfactor « co-sign

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
waits for shy girl to sing in a traditional irish style and be overly praised by the judges #XFactor

Janet Devlin performs Coldplay "Fix You"

@BuckTheWorld_ Courtney[aka c0r7z®]
by siananderson
I actually cannot take how amazing Janet is. She's slaying my soul right now. I can't.

@sSaRpOnG Sabrina-Anne Sarpong
Janet is such a beautiful lil girl! And her voice is amazing! She needs to win #XFactor

@ShizzyENT Shizzy Wizzy
by siananderson
Fall back when Janet is singing

@LethalBizzle Black Jackie Chan
This girl is on the money. Win or lose she's gone. #FemaleEd #Xfactor

@LittleDonatella Donatella
I absolutely and so in love with her, she is amazing #TeamJanet

@hyperfrank Laura Brosnan
Yep yep yep Janet is smashing it as expected.

@LoukiaC Loukia
Janet's hair is the best hair on the show. Big up real hair.

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
She's good but I find her boring sorry Im just being real #XFactor

@alex_macpherson Alex Macpherson
Certainly more fun than janet bloody devlin #thenewboring #sameastheoldboring #xfactor

@AraTheCoach Ara
best til last n all that! #xFactor

@studiopixie studiopixie
Smashed it #XFactor

@WendiWrites Wendi Bekoe
Not my kinda artist, but she was good..

@KarlNova Karl Nova
she looks like Rebekah Brooks from News of the world fame #xfactor

@Jpizzledizzle Joseph JP Patterson
Diana Vickers, I mean, Janet Devlin is good.

@LoukiaC Loukia
Wagner to Win. #XFactor

After that show who is watching Xtra factor? Hell no! X-factor have had enough of my precious life! Tryna turn peeps into passive zombies

@ton_da_don Tonia
by CherelleNatalie
#xfactor is not what it was .

Twitter reveals the truth of what the viewers think. TV people can gass all they like, we aint convinced. Proof in the timelines. #xfactor

In conclusion:

@funkomi Funk Omi
RT by @sonenimusic
I feel like people who watch #xfactor without twitter are only watching half the show.


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