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Tweeter Review: X-Factor Live Show 4

Good news-ish, I've managed to find some embed videos this week. Unfortunately, not all. And they are the long versions including the intro's and judges comments (which are interesting because (the annoying) 2009's winner Alexanda Burke steps in for an "ill" Kelly Rowland)

RT aka ReTweet = Repeating someone else's tweet for everyone of your own followers to see
@[insert name] = Twitter username.[name after @ sign] For example: @MarvinSparks =

Follow everyone who wrote tweets you like. If you'd like your tweet removed ask and I'll think about it.

For previous TweeteReviews click here

Last but not least

Disclaimer: Tweets do not necessarily reflect the opinions of us (me) here at Marvin Sparks dot Blog Spot dot com. We (I) found them funny/relevant

Forget what the papers and judges say, here's what the tweople say!

(p.s. I tried to condense it to avoid going through a bunch of repetitive tweets, but today is tooooo much joke.)

@kellya309 Kelly A
#xfactor Here we go, monkeys!

Alexandra Burke in for Kelly

Shouts out to MIss Burke for replacing Kelly

@LynnikeandSefa Lynnike and Sefa DJs
Helllllloooo Alexandra! Long time no see!!!!! #XFactor

@danwootton Dan Wootton
Tulisa has raised her game on the outfit front. WOW!!!! Alexandra looks stunning too. #xfactor

@DEEPERMC Edilson Abilio™
Yo black girls, what's Alexandra's weave saying? #xfactor

@Christiana1987 Christiana Mbakwe
Alexandra's weave has caught some of Kelly's anointing. Great start. #Xfactor

@newsychick1 Karen AKA Newsychick
Well, even though she irritates me, I will say Alexandra's hair looks nice. It's no Kelly weave but still liking it.

@wepluggoodmusic Ayodele Adepoju
Alexander Burke yeah? #xfactor

@MannyUK Manny
Alex 1 Tulisa 0

I miss Kelly x

@Popjustice Popjustice
I love Alexandra Burke. #xfactor

@LadyChann Lady Chann
Kellys fine in sunny Miami luv!!! Hahahaha! Paaaaaar!!!

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
Hold tight Alexandra Burke making up the ethnic minority quota

@marvynharrison Marvyn Harrison
Kelly Rowland needs to be back next week! Thanks

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
Some people watching, will think Alex is Kelly same way and not actually notice the difference. Don't get it twisted ... #xfactor

by VexintheCity
I am so devastated that I can't be there but I will be streaming live! #xfactor

The Risk

Click to watch intro as Ashley leaves

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Does Ashley think he is Jason DERULOOOOOOOOO? About he's ridin' solo already #XFactor

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Nah not the trembling lip ting. Pure MOISTURE on my screen right now. #xfactor

ohh no he was the one that sang beautiful girl out of tune

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
RT @William_Adam: crying on tv like a Bitch

@LadyChann Lady Chann
Paaaaaarrr!!!! They got over their mate QUICK!!! Jheeeeeeze!!!

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
#XFactor where LOYALTY does not exist! People will snake you for a cup of tea!!! What about Nu Vibe Ashford? #XFactor

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
This is crap #xfactor

nooo out of tune,,,, wtf this is a mess... leather jackets are cute though,

@marvynharrison Marvyn Harrison
NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER (Chris Tucker voice) cover Michael Jackson Thriller

Wouldnt it be funny if after all of this, The Risk were voted off lol

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
Looks like The Risk are going home for musical massacre once again. This Ashton guy should have stayed at home

@VanessaLaker Vanessa Laker
The Risk were better with Ashley

@TwinTings TwinTings
by marvynharrison
But seriously though Keisha & Mutya are about, they could have done any of these jobs going tonight.....

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
I keep saying it, but Brian Friedman's "creative jouge" is missing from this series. It's all bit tea with no sugar. #xfactor

Alexandra calls them magical

magical??? bring back Kelly lol

Johnny Robinson performs Billie Holiday "That Ole Devil Called Love"(intro, performance and judges comments here or performance only here)

he sounds nice today I can see him doin the royal variety show and then old peoples homes lol

@mrnicklevine Nick Levine
by digitalspy
bloody hell alison moyet really has lost weight

@madnewsblog Mad News


@danwootton Dan Wootton
I'm sorry, I was so bored by that. LOVE Johnny but let's bring the fun back. Hope Gary didn't get him too excited. #xfactor

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT @AngryBritain: Yes Johnny, you are very special. Needs #xfactor

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Beg someone give skeletor some yam & green banana real quick. #xfactor

@TwinTings TwinTings
Jonny is always shaking! I know it's not cos he's nervous - he just needs to eat. He's the same width as the tie he's wearing

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT @AngryBritain: Oh Jesus Johnny! The mask! The mask! Take it off!! Oh no, wait ... #xfactor < leave my Johnny

@danwootton Dan Wootton
So Kelly's watching! RT @KELLYROWLAND: Wow, Johnny sounds SO GREAT! yayyyyy!

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madnewsblog Mad News
RT @MarvinSparks: Anyone notice they didn't go for a break after the first performance? They're trying hard to keep viewers < lol

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
I just wanna shove chopsticks up Alexandra Burke's nose whenever she starts talking. #XFactor

@TwinTings TwinTings
Are they gonna extend the show for Alexandra's comments? I don't care how much u spent on your weave Alex - I AINT MISSING THE FOOTBALL!

@TwinTings TwinTings
Does Louis meet any black people outside X Factor? I bet he thinks we can all sing & dance.

Sophie Habibis performs Nancy Sinatra "Bang Bang"

@LadyChann Lady Chann

@Popjustice Popjustice
Jesus Christ what a racket #xfactor

@AraTheCoach Ara
sorry, she is just talking! #xFactor

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
This girl will be gone soon. Boring nuh frig

@Nardenescott Nardene Scott
Nah she shud av buss some remix or suttin dead

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
She shoulda kicked into the Cream Cartel "Bang Bang"… RIP Channel U

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
So Sophie is this years Rebecca "Woody" Ferguson then... #xfactor

@OfficialMason Mason Smillie
Who is this Sophie Habibis your all talking about? Is she new? ALLNOW I just can't keep up!

Alex says she has tuning problems

Alex please that's your group, and you just dissed her??? wow wrong

@tymusic Ty
by XianLoves
Errrrrrr who made alexandria an expert! Hello yoo hoo!

i told you Alexandra has verbal diarrhea

@ArchnaSawjani ArchnaSawjani
Err did Alexandra not get the memo - You are supposed to support the girls not highlight pitch problems!

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
WTF is Alex talking about! Get her off the judging panel pronto! And make her leave her dress on the side so I can pick it up later!

@RicRocstarr Ricardo Williams
by Caligraphist
OMDaaaaays! Alexandra siad "slight tuning problems" how rich#xfactor

Marcus Collins performs Stevie Wonder "Superstitious" x INXS "Need You Tonight" full vid or performance only

@LadyChann Lady Chann
Marcus alwYs does that side to side dance! Looool

great song choice.. and i quite like the smokey eyes

@madnewsblog Mad News
What the hell is this? #X-Factor

@danwootton Dan Wootton
Marcus is not a popstar for me. There, I said it. #xfactor

@MannyNorte Manny Norte
Marcus is one of the strongest on here BUT that didnt do it for me. Johhny is on TOP this week, Yeah i said it! #Xafctor

@TheRealGhetts The Real Ghetto
This is shit where's misha and janet they sing from the soul

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@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
Nah this whole episode of #XFactor has been #battywash thus far

@Christiana1987 Christiana Mbakwe
Alexandra's wearing weave that comes without a tag or a bag. Blessed remy. Break the bank remy. Grew from someone's head remy. Go Alex!

@MsQuiche Keysha Davis
I still love my Alex. A lil excitable, but at least she has personality. Plus Kelendria needed to cool off before she clap down Tulisa.

@Joey7Barton Joseph Barton
by loudmouthmelvin
If I was a judge on here, I'd simply say. Nah your all dogs mess, now go and live in isolation for eternity. Glorified karaoke this is.....

Misha B performs Gloria Jones "Tainted Love"

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
Misha on TV with her head scarf on same way!! #xfactor

Why did they dress her like the devil. Are they trying to emphasise on this BULLY thins lol

@PilarOfSociety Pilar Nalwimba
Why in this day n age to ppl draw on eyebrows cc Misha B

@Henryx85 Henry Yanney
:-O Mischas dressed like Grace Jones this week!

@MsQuiche Keysha Davis
Hate this song for Misha B, total cack. Love the hair though.

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
Is this horn monstrosity really necessary babe? #xfactor

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
Why's my girl always in a hoodie?

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT @AngryBritain: I have to say I think Grace Jones is being incredibly generous with her wardrobe this series #xfactor

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Misha is a pop star already! This could be a guest performance on the result show'! #differentleague

@VanessaLaker Vanessa Laker
Luvin' Misha B's performance!!!!

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
What are the odds of Tulisa heaping praise? "I know you've had a tough week but you overcame that and put that into the performance"

@TwinTings TwinTings
Did Kittys eyebrows jump on to Misha's forhead & join hands?

@TwinTings TwinTings
Imagine if Kelly just jumped out Misha's hair & did the last chorus

@danwootton Dan Wootton
by LadyChann
I think Misha B was incredible tonight. Wow! A million times better than anything Cher Lloyd ever did. #xfactor

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
Who knew this is the original? I didnt. Hold tight @ronnieherel -- GLORIA JONES- "TAINTED LOVE" (1964)… via @youtube

Tulisa praises Misha

@tymusic Ty
Oooh tulissa sucking up to mischa!!! She been reading twitter

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
Shut up Tulisa. "You were born to be a star". Babes, you weren't! #xfactor

@MrAmaru Amaru Wilcox
Is that Tulisa still talking?

Whatever tulisa. U tried to sabotage her last week. Don't try and talk nonsense now! Louis arse licking hard

@AraTheCoach Ara
awwwwwwww Tulisa!!!! Shulda just straight said sorry n kept it short mannnnn!!! #xFactor

@MissLadyG Lady G

@SoFrolushes Mrs L.D.
by MsQuiche
Tulisa now sucking up to Misha B - oh how the tables have turned #xfactor

@Adenike1 adenike adenitire
Misha is a bigger and better talent than Alex! Seems pointless Alex tryna give her advice! Ur own career is barely holding on hunnay! Ouch!

@MsQuiche Keysha Davis
All I'm seeing on my TL is "Tulisa" "begging" "shut up" LMAO

@cleosol CleoSol
by MannyNorte
Lol initt RT @AmplifyDot: Alexandra is angling for a full time position.. Someone tell her she's temping please.

Janet Devlin performs The Police "Every Breath You Take"

Love Janet but she is seriously out of tune. I think this is her style. hmmm good song choice, bad performance #xfactoruk

@_Swaggerville Jimmy Swagger
Someone show this Janet girl what notes are. She couldn't find a key in a locksmiths

@LynnikeandSefa Lynnike and Sefa DJs
This just isnt working is it Janet #XFactor

Frankie Cocozza performs The Clash "Should I Stay or Should I Go?"

@Joey7Barton Joseph Barton
Frankie!!!! Another pile of sh*te.....

@kellya309 Kelly A
I hate Frankie. Knob.

You are not Russel Brand

tea break time to put the kettle on

@Christiana1987 Christiana Mbakwe
Frankie looks like he needs to visit the clinic. #Xfactor

Should you stay or should you go? Erm, let me think about that. Is there an option for 'Fuck off?' #xfactor

@BeaW12 Beatrice Alessio
At least they chose an appropriate song for him

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
Didn't we have the "grand entrance" last week? #xfactor

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
Just woke up (no Wiley), they did this played out WWE entrance last week. At least Frank gets away with looking like a stray today

@thatgrapejuice Sam GrapeJuice
Ugh at this Frankie wahala. I have never been a fan of talking in an inflated accent being any type of "singing" #nolove #xfactor

Alex Burke's comment's

@LynnikeandSefa Lynnike and Sefa DJs
"Mite be back" Alex!!!?? Lets hope not!!! #XFactor

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
vblvhdjkbvckdsvcbjladsgcsajhbdjahsvfjkabfsd Gary Parlow said Alexandra's only here for one night....the guy is class

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@newsychick1 Karen AKA Newsychick
Ok something else nice about Alexandra Burke...I love her dress and she can actually sing.

@Popjustice Popjustice
I sort of forgive Gary for wanting to be Frankie's friend because Frankie (Robbie) wouldn't be his friend 15 yrs ago. #xfactor

@Joey7Barton Joseph Barton
by loudmouthmelvin
Fingers crossed that a light has fell from above the stage and crushed Burke during the adverts. #wishfulthinking

Kitty performs Eurythmics "Sweet Dreams" click here for full or watch performance only...

poor mans this the best we have in the UK??

Kitty, this isn't a 'Sweet Dream', this is a 'Nightmare' #xfactor

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
Kitty puts on the best stage show of all the contestants in this series of #XFactor

@LynnikeandSefa Lynnike and Sefa DJs
Kitty weren't half bad 2nyt #XFactor

@kellya309 Kelly A
There's no way on earth this woman is six years younger than me. No freaking way.#kitty

i don't trust her... wouldn't leave my bag around her lol

@CEThomson Charles Thomson
by MsQuiche
"I love the fact that you're a diva." White contestants are allowed to be divas. If they're black though, they're arrogant bullies. #xfactor

Alex's comments

@tymusic Ty
Alexandra is begging it big time !...

@madnewsblog Mad News
LOL @ Alexandra and Louis... Gawd...

@LynnikeandSefa Lynnike and Sefa DJs
'' she says...... -_- #AlexandraXFactor


@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson

@Jpizzledizzle Joseph JP Patterson
Alexandra Burke should just look pretty and say nowt. She's annoying me!

@MoTheComedian Mo the Comedian
Yo Calm ya bludclart Alex your just filling for someone for 1 show be easy #XFactor

@Popjustice Popjustice
My timeline is full of, amazing #xfactor

@danwootton Dan Wootton
How long till is trending? Love it! #xfactor

@SholaAma Shola Ama
Burkey is cracking me up! 15 year old cousin said "she's on a hype,she needs to chill..she's a supply judge" hahjdjdysdjhdsaka!

I think shes been watching The Braxton Family values. Tamar Braxton wants her quotes back Miss Burke lol

@Incisive1 Incisive
by BeaW12
Alexandra Burke is TOP trending in london - I just checked the timeline...not...ONE...good...comment...PR Team....HELP!

quick fact: everyone (except gary 'the don' barlow) on the x-factor is a retard. judges & contestants alike. that is all. bye(dotcom).

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT@example Someone just told me Alexandra Burke is a stand-in judge on X Factor tonight? That's like Stevie Wonder judging Miss World

@danwootton Dan Wootton
OK DOT COM is trending worldwide. Alexandra Burke's number give. LOVE IT! #xfactor #xfactor

Little Mix (formerly Rhytmix) perform Katy Perry "E.T." click here for full or continue reading for performance only

@MsQuiche Keysha Davis
Name change? What on earth is happening to Tulisa's group?

@madnewsblog Mad News
RT @TwinTings: These girl looking for a new name........Sugababes!? They'll probably all join soon anyway.

Member Jessie cries about being called fat on Twitter

Cheer up babes, there always has to be be one fat one in a group, ask Gary Barlow! lol

@PilarOfSociety Pilar Nalwimba
They are using this gals insecurity as a marketing tool to help connect with gals! Lil Mix #xfactor

@newsychick1 Karen AKA Newsychick
*flatlines, resuscitated and dead again* RT @Jcxappeal: i find it funny that she looks like an onion and is always crying! #xfactor


@LynnikeandSefa Lynnike and Sefa DJs
PITCH ISSUES!!!!!!! #LittleMix

@AraTheCoach Ara
Little Mix? Shud be Little Mix And Miss Piggy! #xFactor

@Caligraphist The Caligraphist®
They sound about as good as Katy Perry when she sings it live... :/ #xfactor

@PilarOfSociety Pilar Nalwimba
This is the best performance by a girl group on #XFactor period! They try get sum harmonies too

best performance these girls have down... maybe name change will bring them luck and they are singing mostly in tune

@MannyUK Manny
Blonde girl to the right has got vocals for dayssss

@LynnikeandSefa Lynnike and Sefa DJs
Ok, so that was my fav performance tonight#xfactor

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
by Adenike1
Best performance of theirs so far ...all previous ones have been truly awful #xfactor

Alex Burke's comments

potential potential ppppotential ..WICKed lol

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
Yo Burke. SHUTTUP.

Craig Colton performs Adele "Set Fire To The Rain"

@MsQuiche Keysha Davis
I all forgot about this kid

Craig Colton is pretty sure to scare Justin Bieber off cake this Halloween #xfactor

@AraTheCoach Ara
oh shit, he has a forehead?!?! #xFactor

sounding good Craiggyyyy

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
I'm just saying that MAYBE someone (no names) heard Adele couldn't sing till she recovers and saw an opening....

@TwinTings TwinTings
Craig better not lose his chins, they suit him!

Alex Burke's comments

@wepluggoodmusic Ayodele Adepoju
Someone call Alexander Burke to tell her to chill the fuck out!!! #xfactor

@siananderson Sigh-Anne Anderson
Lemmie break it down

alexandra really is a character! lol bless her

@SholaAma Shola Ama
Oh Burkey! Loooool

@Henryx85 Henry Yanney
Boi if Audley Harrison had Alexandra Burke in his corner he'd probably have won a few more fights!

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
Thank God, she's only on for one week @KELLYROWLAND WE MISS YOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!! #xfactor

did she just go american.... let me break it down for you... Alex is very funny I'm lovin her.. woah Dermot says she is talkin too much

@LynnikeandSefa Lynnike and Sefa DJs
Whys is she SO NUFF!!!!!!?????? Tell her Dermot! Laaarrrrrddd!!!!! She chat she chat she chat #AlexandraXFactor

@PilarOfSociety Pilar Nalwimba
Tonight's Xfactor has reminded me how ANNOYING Alexandra Burke is.....unless she plans to give us another Beyonce duet she is irrelevant

@TwinTings TwinTings
by loudmouthmelvin
Wow I thought Alexandra was gonna brake into some Shaggy lyrics & do a bogle

@BeaW12 Beatrice Alessio
Burke you tried hard babe...but let me break it down for you... you ain't coming back next week...

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
Naaaaaaaaah, in conclusion Alexandra is deffo more cringe than Alesha.

Bonus tweets

@richtingle RICHARD TINGLE
by tymusic
#xfacfor bit naughty of Kelly to turn up in a Alexandra Burke mask and outfit for Halloween

@TwinTings TwinTings
by FunkButcher
Do you reckon John Terry is voting for Misha?

In conclusion

@madnewsblog Mad News
If it wasn't for Twitter I doubt I would be paying much attention to The X-Factor

@VexintheCity Yinks the Minx
Actually out of breath for laughing so damn hard at my Twitter timeline #xfactor


  1. I missed it this week, so this has been perfect. I think I'll be following some new people after this!


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