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MTV Base: Best UK MCs 2010 - TweeteReview

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The tweets collected are by artists, DJ's, bloggers, journalists, show panellists,and music lovers that I follow or were retweeted

MTV have brought together a panel of music industry professionals at the forefront of the UK urban music scene to discuss and debate the best MCs of 2010. Everything was considered: chart and underground success, popularity, impact and influence on the scene, critical acclaim, MCing ability and much more...

BBC 1Xtra’s Vis hosted the panel, which included: Joseph ‘JP’ Patterson (MTV), Logan Sama (Kiss 100), Ras Kwame (Broadcaster), Charlie Sloth (BBC 1Xtra/Radio 1) Chantelle Fiddy (Mixmag), Hattie Collins (RWD), Elijah (Butterz), Stanza (True Tiger), Ara (The Jump Off) and Donatella (Flava).
As this is the first time a show of this kind has been put together in the UK, this may go down as one of the most controversial, influential and talked about MTV shows to date. Be sure to tune into MTV Base at 9pm on Sunday 20th February to see what went down and who was crowned, Best MC Of 2010…

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
loool the fallout to this MTV top 10 uk mc list will be hilarious cos so many artists have inflated egos & sense of self worth

RT @loudmouthmelvin in the next hour a whole bunch of mc's/rappers will be catching feelings lol <- ...="" br="" talk="" true="">
@Henryx85 Henry Yanney
"@RalphHardy: I forgot how good Logan Sama was at articulating himself. #GRIME" an opinion I can defo trust!

Was chipmunks F. 64 great??hhmmnn...don't really agree...@Mystrogen 's was next level

@PyroBarz PyroBarz
by loudmouthmelvin
Chippy and lowkey share number 10

@MayhemSAS Runway J. Euro
RT @MackDice: How can 2 artists share one spot??

@Versetti Eddie Smith
Let the politricks commence.

@MichelleShanti Michelle Owusu
Heads over to Chipmunk's page to see if he's made any comments about sharing the number 10 spot.

RT @KevinLanre 3 black pple on a panel show discussin black music... Erm ok<-- black="" br="" d="" i="" in="" influential="" nt="" only="" positions="" ppl="" r="" think="" those="">
MTV TOP 10 MC'S LIST by the way is so wrong... does anyone want to see the original list ..that got changed last minute ?? lol

the original list was shocking key names were ignored, I think there was something wrong going on... let the people decide right?

Also on a separate note it's so subjective we all have our own opinions and tastes when it comes to music right

Chipmunk didn't even release anything in 2010 though??

@_yusuff Best Of The Best
Your favorite MC may not of been very active last year!

RT @_yusuff Remember this list is about 2010 ONLY!!<-- 2010="" anything="" br="" chip="" din="" drop="" in="" really="" t="">
music industry sometimes isn't about talent but who you know.... WRONG

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Actually I don't even care

Lets compile our own list 10 MC's in the last 12 months that have made the most impact???? I'm gonna RT the most popular go go go

@Versetti Eddie Smith

Giggs should be higher up, simply because he marches to the beat of his own drum, unlike many other MCs

@KarlNova Karl Nova
So I'm guessing @tymusic won't make this list not that he cares about this

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
How the fuck can devlin be no 7 dpmo

@tahirah Tahirah
Watching MTV's Best of Best MCs on Base. Interesting seeing whose considered as a grime tastemaker.

Wiley should be slightly higher

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
so far the mtv list is 10.lowkey/chip..9.d double..8.p money..7.devlin..6.giggs..5 wiley

@Henryx85 Henry Yanney
Wileys Zip Files was one of the best things of 2010!

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
"There is no factually right answer to this. I dont think anyone will agree on any list." @elij_h well said

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Let me hold my mouth anyway

I'm seeing alot for Giggs, Tinie, Chipmunk, DEvlin Skepta... top 10 MC's in the UK that killed it over the last 12 months?

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
4. pro green

@Versetti Eddie Smith RT by @tahirah
@iamthenublack @tahirah I heard they invited Ronald Mcdonald but he didnt want any more beef

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
I can't actually watch MTV right now but im interested to see how five hours worth of footage got edited down. T'was a madness...

If you go by success Tinchy dropped one of the biggest tracks of the last 12 months GAME OVER and brought 2getha some of the biggest names

@MegaSAS Take Off J. Euro
These Ppl Are Talking About Artist Personality's, WTF!!! Has That Got 2 Do With Who The Best MC Is!?!? KMT

Roll Deep had 2 number 1s??

@MayhemSAS Runway J. Euro
I BETTER See Wretch 32 In This List......No Seriously Tho.....I Now Vis Wouldn't Let It Go Down Like This, Sloth Or Ara Either.

@MayhemSAS Runway J. Euro
RT @StapleHouse: 2010 was Skeptas year. Tbh the rest of the list can be put in any random order - I AGREE & TINIE & WRETCH TOO.

Giggs Tinie and Devlin seem to be top 3 so the tweets you are sending

@VanessaLaker Vanessa Laker
@_yusuff I don't Wiley should have made the list. And devlin shud have been higher

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
top 3 will be.... 3.skepta 2.tinie 1.dizzee

@MayhemSAS Runway J. Euro
Thats How You Know I'm Bored, I'm Watching UK Best MC's On MTV & At The Same Time Boying Off Some Random Prick.......

@LittleDonatella Donatella
I did actually speak way more than this but hey

@KarlNova Karl Nova
Awww pele Sway and Kano ain't making it lol

@MayhemSAS Runway J. Euro
So Wretch Aint On The List Coz No One Saw Him Top 10'ing On A Pop Chart, Aint A Panel Suppose Judge Potential As Well?!?

Dizzee wins over Tinie for me.

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
let the MTV top 10 uk mc list fallout begin loool

@ChuckieOnline Chuckie Lothian
I cant lie, im sure Dizzee will one day be a little ashamed when he hears "Disco" though. Thats so not a Dizzee song.

@VanessaLaker Vanessa Laker
Dizzie Rascal? I didn't see that one coming...

@AraTheCoach Ara
@ChantelleFiddy yeah, aint my show! didnt agree with everything but hey! :o) #MTVBaseBestOfBest

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I weren't in the top ten mcs snm

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
@MayhemSAS that was what made it hardest - twas best of 2010 - but our original top 10s were all very different

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
What's really good about this MCs debate is that there were over 40 or so to choose from in first place...

There are some guys on this list that haven't had any substantial contribution??cmon son??

@LondonToMK Danielson RT by @loudmouthmelvin
no Wretch lol?

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Ghetts wretch scorcher jme dot rotten Griminal the list goes on

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
@MayhemSAS i defo built my initial list on personal preference as to me that's more important than copies sold

@Henryx85 Henry Yanney
List is interesting - especially with the fact that a some of the panel come from scenes where their fav artists wouldn't even be considered

I love Tinie, but Dizzee should be at No1. People got me agreein with certain silent members on the panel, KMT!

@elij_h Elijah Butterz
Big up everyone moaning about not getting into the top 10 MCs of 2010 without a single in 2010. *Shrugs shoulders*

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Any one that knows me personally knows what's gonna happen today

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Or tonight I should say

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I need the angriest beat right now

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
No Kano either

@ChuckieOnline Chuckie Lothian
Dont think anyone can argue that Tinie Tempah should be at number one!!!

@KarlNova Karl Nova
awwwwwww Tim Westwood didn't make the list.

@loudmouthmelvin Loudmouth Melvin
well done to Tinie tho. Regardless of who was or wasnt on the list he deserved the number 1 spot

@Versetti Eddie Smith
No Ghetts, No Kano, No Wretch.

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Fuck it I swear on my life I'm gonna go studio right now and rip apart the whole panel

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Oi rapid where are ya

@Wretch32 Wretch 32

@MotiveUK Theo 'Motive' Oliver
Do people realise how hotly debated the top 10 mc list is in the states? After Sales/Output/Popularity it comes down to personal perference

@MotiveUK Theo 'Motive' Oliver
& noones gonna feel the same way you do about 10 different artists, so of course they're gonna miss people u feel shoulda gone it. Shut Up

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Old school ghetts has been let out the cage

@LondonToMK Danielson RT by @Versetti
Kano toured with the Gorillaz, dropped and album and was named the best MC in the UK by the G.O.A.T.

@elij_h Elijah Butterz
If you missed what I said "Champion isnt anyones fav tune", "Ghetts lost the P Money clash" "D Double E is the best" + Woooo is out now

@MayhemSAS Runway J. Euro
RT @AraTheCoach: @ChantelleFiddy @MayhemSAS trust, any argument u have, we had it out on the day! #MTVBaseBestOfTheBest - I CAN ONLY IMAGINE

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
If I get studio tonight you will all have the tune within a few hours

@LittleDonatella Donatella
All the Mc's that weren't on the list were debated, you just didn't get to see that :(

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
So Logan donatella Charlie sloth who else ras kwane who else chantell phiddy who else

@hiphopchronicle Sumit
@mramaru just put me on to the MTV list program. No @wretch32. How is P Money so low on the list?

@MayhemSAS Runway J. Euro
Well Atleast MTV Base Tryed To Even Do Something 'UK Urban' For A Change.....

@Jpizzledizzle Joseph JP Patterson
@ChantelleFiddy @AraTheCoach @MayhemSAS Yeah, a lot was cut out. The online version needs to go up asap! #MTVBaseBestOfTheBest

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I'm gonna open up a can of a next ting doller just his coming 2 get me so it is what it is

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Why's Logan tryna ring me fuck that no1 don't phone me I've got some fuckree 2 write

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Postie come and film it so these people no who the best mc is in the whole uk

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Let me tell u something I work so hard yea 4 this shit I'm raining on everyone and everything

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Postie if your smart you will link me now

@swissworld swissworld
by AraTheCoach
Everyone knows these lists aren't ever gonna be what you have in your head. Let's be real!!! Av a drink an get on wiv wat u was doing B4

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I am very dangerous right now

@djlogansama The Logan
It is about time there was recognition for people outside of how many records they sold or how much TV time they got.

@djlogansama The Logan
Cos to be honest chart positions and such are irrelevant to me. That's not my world.

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
It all went wrong when I saw devlin at number 7

@Jpizzledizzle Joseph JP Patterson
OK, so a lot of people aren't happy about the list. It was for efforts made in 2010, not 2011. Please think about it...

Why am I hearing.'what about Wretch?' the list was about Best Uk mc's in 2010..what did he do in 2010 tho??NOTHING?

@hiphopchronicle Sumit
@Jpizzledizzle everyone is gonna have their opinions, dont worry about it. I didnt manage to see it but will try when its online.

@KarlNova Karl Nova
awww all the MCs that are hurt that they didn't make the list just come to Jesus and do gospel music you will be very happy hahahaha!

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
“@SlickzRapper: @TheRealGhetts Where SHUD Devlin be??”>><
@djlogansama The Logan
I am excited, you know why? I was on the tour bus when the discussion of who was 'good' came up when I was on tour with Kano and Ghetts. ha!

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
You are all in the line a fire right now

@djlogansama The Logan
@TheRealGhetts hahahaha how can u say dont ring u ur busy and u tweeted 20 times since. I know ur gonna do a supernova in the studio

@AK_S_ A.K
One thing not many will argue about... @TinieTempah deserved to be at the top!

@djlogansama The Logan
Mt @d3ccyw just made the best point, "It should have been called the most successful MCs of 2010".

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Fucking pricks

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Sorry peace and love

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Nah fuck that hate and war

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Ok if your a producer and you have got my email send me the fire right now

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
See me I ain't never given a shit about charting but when it come 2 this best mc shit I run this everyone knows so fuck the powers that b

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
And i don't give a fuck about anyone sitting there saying what's wrong with ghetts coz you don't no what this means 2 me

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Logan I got love 4 you but don't ring me coz every time do I'll press decline on my I phone

@djlogansama The Logan
If you ever knew the levels of fire in Ghetts belly when he feels like he isnt gettin the recognition he deserves, it is A NEXT THING

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Do know how fucking much people like me scorch wretch Jamie even frisco have done this fucking scene

RT @_yusuff So what did everyone think of the show?<- 5="" ain="" any="" br="" chip="" deserved="" disputes...well="" he="" in="" is="" not="" really="" spots...but="" t="" there="" top="" y="">
@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Filled with rage

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Dollars on his way

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
So basically, the situation is, im waiting for Ghetts to stop ranting so i can press submit but hes giving too much fire lol

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
See all the other mcs that feel like they should of been on the list but they ain't and there not speaking up each 2 there own

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
And maybe there smarter than me but my passion will not be kept in I don't give a fuck

@MervinMartin Mervin Martin
I aint even seen the show, but I'm sure those on the list got there because of what they did in the past year, now everyone shutup

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I'm sorry Colin sorry victor I'm sorry mike I no you lot don't want me 2 do this but it's either this or me punching the shit out of some1

@djlogansama The Logan
The list got voted as 10. chipmunk and lowkey 9.d double 8.p money 7.devlin 6.giggs 5.wiley green 3.skepta 2.dizzee 1.tinie

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
All black winter again

@Jpizzledizzle Joseph JP Patterson
RT @OnceUponAGrime: Well at least we'll have a new Ghetts tune tonight. Thanks MTV.

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I no all you bad boy mcs that ain't in that list I slyly pissed don't worry ghetto that's right ghetto not ghetts will speak 4 you

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Where's lewi White please contact me

@AraTheCoach Ara
RT @sharoncarpenter: No Sway either? < some of us campaigned hard for Sway to be in that list!

@djlogansama The Logan
Evvvvverybody got their own opinion.

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
RT @XianLoves: I knew this was gonna happen haha. All I'm saying is mind who you blame because you don't know what happens behind the scenes

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I swear 2 god I'm everyones enemy right now and when I send 4 this fucking panel I hope take it as personal as I did not being in that list

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Doller your taking to long I do not want this anger 2 wear off

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Kill all a dem

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Dead em on sight

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Logan a snake anyway further more I'm lighting up donna 2

@ChipmunkArtist Chipmunk
I don't MC... I SUPERSTAR!!!!

@djlogansama The Logan
Some people will be full of resentment and bitterness, some will be full of motivation and creativity. I think this show has done that.

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
No1 don't ring my phone unless it's about studio or beats 4 tonight

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Where's teddy

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Z dot send me dirty date times and let me light it up with the rage of a woman scorned

@djlogansama The Logan
Every producer, send ur maddest stiffest 'don't give a fuck' beats to @TheRealGhetts cos he is gonna do a madness on a tune tonight

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I can't breath

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
See me I work the hardest you no I ain't lying

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
How many man in that list did I influence god dam you wouldn't p money existed if it weren't 4 ghetts pricks

@OfficialMaxsta Maxsta
@TheRealGhetts u know wot tho thy did try it saying p won the clash with u

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Last time I felt like this I was on roman road with a boarer

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Fucking pricks I dear someOne say the wrong thing

@Skepta Skepta
I didn't know about this chart, don't know wether it was a #Grime chart or not, don't know how it was voted for... but THANKS!!! #BBK4LIFE

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
“@Griminal: Big up to all the artists that made MTV Base' Top 10 Grime MCs! One Love! ”~><
@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
Currently hiding under my sofa. Twitter doesn't seem like a safe place to be right now

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Minus devlin gigs skepta and will u can all get hit

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
If this was a big room of everyone arguing about a top MC list, I'd just grab my boyfriend, stand in the middle & start lipsin him.

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤

So the original MTV MC's list had 2 names missing that most people didn't want on that list.....can you guess which 2?

Dodgy I feel like putting it up on my site so you can all see what they really wanted to do? lol

@Sway_Dcypha Sway
@TheRealGhetts Fam pay them no mind, you know what it is. Industry bullshit! All will pay in time!

@Sway_Dcypha Sway
People phoning me crazy about this MTV Top 10 MC's list lol, don't worry about it, live a lie die a liar.. That's all! Good Night, God Bless

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
RT @siananderson: Well well welllllll aahahhahahahisodfgjhkfiodg • I'm sitting at home saying the same thing

@hyperfrank Laura Brosnan
it seems like theres a bit of confusion what the list actually reflects. That list isn't the best MC from the UK list up to 2010

@hyperfrank Laura Brosnan
It's a list of the best MC's over the course of 2010, judged over several factors and personal opinions. I don't get what all the fuss

@majestic888 Majestic RT by @mistajam
Most Mcs will feel they should of been top 10 in any vote as MCs on the whole are egotistical things lol they couldn't do it otherwise lol

@Samwiiise Sam Charles RT by @TheRealGhetts
@TheRealGhetts Welcome back Ghetto.

@Wretch32 Wretch 32
@hyperfrank some people desire to be the best this not jus a job. That's y there's frustration sum wana bring the artform forward.

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Yea on the way 2 the studio then I'm gonna check my email and I'm gonna let u no who's beat I chose

@njmontague Nathan AKA 'Monty' RT by @WileyArtist
lol i cant wait for @WileyArtist's response on this mc list hes gonna bury chipmunk for being 10th while he was 5 lol

@WileyArtist Wiley
@mtvwrapup on a year I didn't even do much that means I need to up the wrkrate

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Logan hattie Collins donnatella out of all you the only person who kept it 100 was Charlie sloth and I've never even met him wow

@WileyArtist Wiley
I'm 5th on the list mother fuschers

@MarvinSparks Negus Marvin Sparks
Just as I was about to click 'submit' Wiley pops up. Great...

@mistajam mistajam
Art is subjective. One man's garbage is another man's gourmet.

@MegaSAS Take Off J. Euro
Ghetto Is Going Ooofffffff On 1 & Rightfully So.

@Wretch32 Wretch 32
Heart soul and hardwork

@WileyArtist Wiley
I love music so I'm gona put a great display from here i got good music on it's way

@mistajam mistajam
That's why I'm not really a 'list' or 'chart' kinda guy without clear measurable criteria. Most sales? Biggest impact? Easy to quantify

@mistajam mistajam
Who's the best? There will always be someone upset cos my best cld b someone else's worst. In those instances, u can only give opinion...


Orginal list
1. Tinie Tempah
2. Skepta
3. P Money
4. Wiley
5. D Double E
6. Devlin
7. Wretch 32
8. Professor Green
9. Giggs

@OfficialMaxsta Maxsta
So I was on the original list eh? Good enuff for me but still a boy ting that I got taken off tho, minor everything happens for a reason

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
@XianLoves it's important to know the facts also - people had voted on different criteria and confusion and explanation meant change

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
@XianLoves and there are 100s of emails arguing back and forth - my point - context is important.

Be clear and stick to the criteria you set

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
@ChantelleFiddy yeah I hear all of that! I'm shocked the list wasn't changed more times to be honest lol. Its a very hard topic to debate

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
@XianLoves oh it was - it changed about 20 times over four hours

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
@ChantelleFiddy I was thinking about this earlier... Remember the whole F64 debate? General public had the chance to vote that & still were

@XianLoves ❤ Xi'an Loves ❤
@ChantelleFiddy not happy, so it was inevitable that they would be vex because of this 'industry debate'. You can never please everyone

@elij_h Elijah Butterz
Nearly 200 people viewing the thread on @grimeforum big up MTV we win again thank you

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Hold through out all this anger I forgot to mention the people that matter the most The supporters I love you all

@elij_h Elijah Butterz
Everyone is speaking up about who should be in there, lets make it more interesting... who shouldn't.. come on... speak up

@ChockzMusic Chockz
LoL the original list could stress man out even more.

@ChantelleFiddy Chantelle Fiddy
RT @elij_h: Now you can see how important strong singles are. P Money and D Double E are in there off the back of them.

@djlogansama The Logan
For my submissions, I just tried to look at who made the most progress in 2010 as an act. That's all I could really think of as a comparison

@djlogansama The Logan
And for me, Tinie went from relatively unknown to world famous in 12 months.

@elij_h Elijah Butterz
I didnt vote for him, I haven't heard his music before RT @OfficialMaxsta: @elij_h remind me again wot was lowkeys big single

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Moghul just sent me a madness that captured the essence off how I feel

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I love my supporters I swear

@djlogansama The Logan
2 people you can never have an argument with are Ghetts and JME. It is IMPOSSIBLE.

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
I told you I love this ting more than anyone

@tinchystryder Tinchy Stryder
I'm getting loads of tweets about Mtv's list??... List of??... I'm confused wot av I missed, I've been on stage!!

@elij_h Elijah Butterz
Dizzee Rascal, Tinie Tempah,Chipmunk,Wiley,Maxsta,P Money,Skepta,Devlin JME,D Double E was my list on the criteria given to me

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
Other mcs ain't angry cool But just no when I say I'm the best I'm swear on my life god strike me dead I meant it

@Graciouskisay Lance Gracious
Nah I just realised its of 2010 people can't be as angry as I'd say but low key is a myth if its based on 2010 cause wretch should be in it

@JmeBBK JME / Jamie Adenuga
From time D Double E is number 9 on a list, you have to press the "x", buss open the orange lucozade and browse grime daily. Amen

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
4 anyone saying what ghetts done major last year safe what's d double given you 4 the last 8 years except the same lyrics

@JmeBBK JME / Jamie Adenuga
If you want to know who the top MC's are then ask the MC's. Amen

@JmeBBK JME / Jamie Adenuga

@TheRealGhetts Justin Ghetts
“@djlogansama: But in other news. I bet my hair looked fucking glossy under those lights. Owwwwwww” <<< fool hope u wake up wid alopecia

@LowkeyMusic1 Lowkey
My top video has 928,559 views, my facebook has 96,437 members, my twitter has 17,496followers. Just for those asking what I did in 2010..

@LowkeyMusic1 Lowkey
and I really wasn't trying to boast with that statement, I was just letting those know who are debating my place in MTV 2010 Top 10

@SimoneKarmaRae Karma Baby by RT @djcameo
@djcameo Tomorrow Channel Aka are gonna do the REAL Panel of Top MC's Panel ft Cameo, Westwood, Semtex, Benn Scarrs + More RT

@Jpizzledizzle Joseph JP Patterson
Looking forward to seeing the Channel AKA debate.................................................@djcameo

Final List

10. LowKey/ Chipmunk
9. D Double
8. P money
7. Devlin
6. Giggs
5. Wiley
4. Pro Green
3. Skepta
2. Dizzee
1. Tinie

And here's Ghetts' thoughts on it


  1. List is a bunch of shit mostly, and also Lowkey fans are G.A.S.S.E.D

  2. How can Lowkey fans be gassed when he is by far the most well-read, articulate and socially/politically aware MC on the list?

    Try to think up something more intelligent to say than simply using capital letters and adding full stops between each letter of the word gassed. Its brainless fools like you that would probably be content with a draw string action man wearing a gold chain jumping around Channel AKA talking nonesense than listening to an MC who talks sense


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If you aren't familiar with the beef between Pimpin Curly and Officer Ricky, get familyar! Originates from Rick Ross dissin 50 on The Inkredibles produced banger Mafia Music. "We're steppin on your crew 'til the motherfucker's crushed And making sweet love to every woman that you lust I love to pay her bills, cant wait to pay her rent Curtis Jackson baby mother aint askin for a cent Burn the house down, you gotta buy another..." Fifty responded with a (lame) diss to which Rick Ross issued a 24hour deadline to make another. Fif' declared war, telling Ricky he's going to end his career Fiddy's first step was to interview Ricky's first baby moms, Tia, talking slick about Ricky being broke, which was later backed up by a financial affadavit released by Fif'. Took her and her bestie shopping for mink coats. Second was going to head of Def Jam South DJ "We The Best" Khaled's mum's house and place of work. Why? Fif' claims Kh...

Marvin Sparks x Raekwon interview

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White band win Reggae Grammy x Koffee x Skillibeng

So a white American reggae band called Soja won the Best Reggae album award at the Grammy's? And you care because? You feel Jamaicans are losing reggae because the Grammy's (a white institution) gave their white American man award to a white American reggae band? You blame the Jamaican government for not showing enough love and support to the music because this is the result? But you don't realise you are giving the Grammy's that much power and don't see where the problem lies? Well let me tell you; the problem is within you. I understand the outrage. Jamaicans built the music and are rarely compensated for all the hard graft. There have been countless examples of the music being used by someone else, often to better results because we live in an ignorant and racist Western world. Historically, white reggae artists like The Police or UB40 are able to achieve better results in the white man's world than reggae artists that are far superior to them. Bruno Mars , J...