First off, big up Red Bull. Bigging up the sponsors usually means this is a sponsored post. However, this isn't a sponsored post. They put on a big show and shoved 20,000 people into one place to experience Jamaican culture even if the music wasn't explicitly Jamaican. So big up Jamaica cos none of the music yesterday would exist in the way it does without it and there wouldn't be a format. Jamaica changed the way music was made and consumed. Both were on full display yesterday. Keywords: Dub/dubplate/special = song cut specially to either big up your sound, kill another sound or both. Most "dub plates" are pretty much extinct - they're just specials - but everyone understands the term dubs. A$AP Flop = A$AP Mob First round = normal juggling/playing music Second round = hosting Third round = Sleeping with the enemy (playing other teams genres of music) Fourth round = dub for dub/five minutes to play songs I will update the post with videos as and ...
I'm not a blogger, I just blog a lot!